My Guardian ● Part 20

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*Zayn’s POV*

In a matter of minutes I had been the happiest person in the world to completely heartbroken.

I stared at Louis’ body fading right in front of me, disappearing slowly as he spoke. “I’ll miss you too, thank you for everything Zayn, I love you too and it’s been an amazing journey.” I let a sob escape my mouth, trying to keep hold of his hand which was disappearing slowly in mine. “Now go have another one.” His last words spoke, a small typical Louis smile on his face before he was gone.

He was the first and only friend I ever had; he stuck by me when everyone else left. He put up with my moody attitude and continued to be there for me even after all the times I’d screamed my hatred towards him. Truth was, I loved Louis, he was like a brother to me and I now regret never telling him enough.

As his body vanished before my eyes I felt a sharp pain in my chest making me gasp out. I felt like someone had just stabbed me straight through the chest and twisted the sharp object. “Zayn oh my god! Harry!  Help him, ZAYN!” I heard Sophia shouting as I fell forward, my vision going blurry before me, I couldn’t speak or scream, I could only cry and gasp as everywhere became foggy around me. Sophia’s hand in mine as my only comfort for the pain in my centre before everything became numb.

*Harry’s POV*

“Harry help him!” Sophia cried out holding Zayn’s limp body. I don’t know what was happening; Zayn just let out a cry of pain and fell forwards the second Louis left. Was this normal; did this always happen when your Guardian left?!

“Sophia, stand back for a second it’s going to be okay.” I tried to reassure her, taking Zayn’s weight from her hold and laying him onto the floor. “It’s okay Zayn just relax okay, it’s all okay I promise.” His eyes drooped and his body seemed to relax. I don’t know what I was saying, I don’t know why I was saying this, maybe it was instinct, maybe this is normal. His body went limp and his eye lids shut in front of me.

“Ha-Harry what just..?” Sophia stuttered holding tightly onto Zayn’s hand.

“I think it’s what happens when your Guardian leaves, I think it’s like a shock of pain. Louis told me that when a Guardian leaves it really hurts and then it’s all okay and the person isn’t in as much pain afterwards. I think that’s all, he should wake up soon and be okay.” I was shocked at my own words as if I was hearing them for the first time as well. How did I know that?

I picked Zayn’s body up and carried him over to the couch, placing him down on the soft fabric. I guess we could only wait now and see if I was right. Sophia knelt down next to where Zayn lay and watched with worried eyes. She really cared for him already, she already saw him as family and someone to love.

Would this happen when it was my time? Would Sophia have to feel that horrible pain Zayn just had and then would she collapse and wake up completely fine? I couldn’t bare the thought of Sophia having to feel that pain, even if it wasn’t for long, it completely killed me inside knowing what would happen to her for a few short seconds after I was gone.

At least after that she will be fine though, no more pain. A voice in my head said, the only voice keeping me going through this. The only way I could do this was because I knew; I knew that when it was over she would finally be happy again.

*Zayn’s POV*

It was very dark, everywhere was pitch black dark. The pain in my chest was still there but it seemed to be decreasing, becoming smaller and smaller with each breath. Where the hell was I?

“How are you feeling Zayn?” A male voice said somewhere in the darkness. I tried to turn my head or move my body to look for it but I was paralyzed, laid helpless and flat with the only movement being the rise and fall of my chest. “Stay still Zayn you just need to rest for now please.”

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now