My Guardian ● Part 26

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A/N - Firstly I would like to honestly apologise, I didn't really ever give an explanation as to why I stopped writing and updating or why I no longer came online and replied. However my excuse is the same as most writers on here who have stopped, they honestly don't have the time. Writing is a secret hobby of mine, I do it in my spare time and no one really knows about it, it was something I did alot as a stress relief but over time it was becoming another stress to constantly update on here so I decided to take a break for a while. I started my A Levels this year and have been really struggling, I have to concentrate on my life as well or I'm just going to make myself sick. Everything is already really hard and I'm trying to get my priorities straight which is why I've not been on to write. This is of course non or my followers or readers fault!! You guys have never been mean when you've asked for updates and you've all given me supportive feedback which I am so thankful for and this is why I'm so honestly sorry!!

I have updated another part of this story, I  want to finish this story so there will be two following parts. I have written one already but I'm not sure how I'm going to end the story and do not want to rush it, so please bare with me! Once again I'm very sorry and have appreciated the support of everyone of you and anyone who will even read the next part after the long wait. 

Anyhow you've waited long enough so enjoy!


*Sophia’s POV*

The pain was increasing and I could feel myself becoming more awake. I wanted to scream out but I couldn’t move a single muscle in my body. Voices around me became more clear to me, Liam, Zayn and Louis? Wait, how the hell was I hearing Louis? Was I still unconscious and hearing things?

Pain coarsed through my body remining me that this wasn’t a dream. This was the harsh reality. I couldn’t began to focas or wonder why Louis was here, all I could think about was the fact Harry wasn’t and never will be again, leaving me alone forever and suffering this indescribable agony.

“She’s waking up Louis.” Liam’s voice was urgent and quick. “We need to do this now!”

I opened my eyes to notice Louis holding me in his arms. I could feel drops of water falling onto my bare skin and the gusts of wind around me. We were no longer in my comfortable bedroom but outside in the middle of what looked like a thunder storm. The large claps of thunder and the huge gushs of wind didn’t affect me compared to the striking pain through my body.

“No you can’t do this! Louis don’t you dare do this!” I heard Zayn shouting from my left, his voice cracking in the middle. I looked over to see him struggling in Liam’s arms.

“Look at her Zayn! Look at her for gods sake she’s in agony! This is the only way let him do this!” Liam pleaded, his words however didn’t sound sure of themselves, they shook like the earth when a roar of thunder echoed.

I didn’t realise I was beginning to shake my whole body, slowly loosing control of everything. I could hear screaming and it took me a second to realise it was from my mouth. “Make it stop! Please make it stop!” I sobbed now grabbing onto Louis’ shirt and hitting against his chest which seemed to resemble a brick wall, no matter how hard I thrashed he seemed unaffected.

“I’m sorry Zayn but you’ll have to trust me here.” Louis said taking a step away from Zayn and Liam moving them out of my eye sight. I couldn’t see much anymore anyway, my vision was blurred from the mixture of heavy rainfall and tears.

“NO NO THERE MUST BE ANOTHER WAY!” Zayn’s cries and pleas hurt me but I couldn’t process what was happening.

A loud crash of waves below me caught my attention making me realise where I am. We are stood at the edge of a cliff  with Louis holding me in his arms next to the tree swing which was thrashing in the wind, barely holding onto the branch above. I watched as it finally let go and broke, the tree swing rope snapped and it fell to the crashing waves below. With every ounce in my body I calmed down my thrashing limbs and looked up to Louis, he was shaking with nerves and looking down at me with glassy eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now