vingt huit

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I sat in a chair as I watched everything go down. Marie had her people from the beauty shop help her set up everything while Keith laid out on a table. I'm just so nervous because what is everything doesn't work? Would that mean I would have to turn immortal? We could always adopt kids if they were to happen, but it's not the same. Keith turned his head looking at me then smile.

I really love him.

Marie told me nothing wrong would happened like death if something is wrong with the spell.

"Ok Georgina it's time."

I walk over to the table and give Keith a kiss on his forehead before standing next to Marie. She hands me a picture with the spell written out so I can pronounce it right and thank the lord it's in French.

"Whenever you're ready...I'll be right here besides you."

Before I even start the thunder shakes the room and the rain slams on the windows scaring me.

"It's alright you begin the spell", Marie ensures.

I clutched on the paper as the words fell out of my mouth effortlessly. It was like I was made for this if you ask me. Soon enough Keith levitates from the table and shines like a ball of energy.

"Keep going it's working!"

Soon enough I see two more lights shining through. I could tell that Marie was confused and just told me to continue. Once I finished the last sentence I fall to my hands and knees and Keith is back on the table.

"Hi baby", I caress his head.

"Did it work?"

I watch as Marie draws a little bit of his blood and pulls her voodoo magic on it. She turns her head smiling at the both of us. I'm just so excited and attack his face with kisses. A knock is heard on the door and Marie opens it revealing two people.

"Momma? Pop?"

Keith remove himself from the table going over to hug the both of them. He would always describe them to me and his words match, but his mother is way more beautiful then what he said. Even though that is not his biological father...I see some resemblance.

"Momma and Pop I would like for you to meet Georgina, the girl I'm going to marry one day."

"Hi it's so nice to meet the both of you."

They pull me into a hug and Keith joins us making me feel complete.

Two years later....

"Momma you gotta stop giving Josephine candy

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"Momma you gotta stop giving Josephine candy."

"Why? You know I can't say know to them pretty little eyes."

Keith's parents come and visit often since they started their own business, it is a cleaning service and a catering business. As for Keith he departed from his Nike job and helps run things. After everything went down, we got married and had ourselves a baby and it only took one try. He wants more kids, but I'm trying to wait until we pass the potty training stage which isn't that far away.

The front door opens and I hear Josephine scream which means daddy is home. Keith and Uncle Luke walk while our baby girl had her arms wrapped around her daddy's neck.

"Hey baby", he kissed my lips.

He sits Josephine in her play area and wraps his arms around me.

"I love you."

"I love you too...ho was your day how do you feel", I smile.

"Normal", he smiles back at me.


I look around the dinner table seeing my family be happy and I wouldn't trade this for anything. I'm just glad I can live a happy and normal life with no worries.

The End

It's trash I know but I didn't know what else to do I hope you guys liked this book and continue to read my other ones in my profile 😊

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