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" Who?"

" You."

Georgina froze completely. I said her name a few times, no response. I even waved my hand in her face and that didn't do anything. I grab her cheeks and put my lips on hers. I didn't even want to stop her lips tasted like strawberries. Pulling back I had a smirk on my face with my hands on her hips.

" Let be your man and you'll be my lady."

" Is that your way of asking me ", she smiles.

" Baby girl I'm not asking I'm telling you."

" I didn't stop you from kissing me right, that should give you my answer."

She took a sip from drink putting it back on the table. I'm excited for what the future has to hold for the two of us now that we are a couple. Gigi hands me a pen so i could start filling out my applications. I wanted to return these asap so they can call me back sooner. She was rubbing the back of my neck checking if I made any mistakes. After fifteen more minutes I was finished. We hold hands as we stopped by every store dropping off my applications. They said they would call me in between tomorrow and seven days max. Georgina and I were almost out of the mall when stopped all of a sudden.

" What's wrong?"

" My feet hurt ", she whines.

" You want me to pull the car up?"

" Yes please."

Pulling out her car keys, she hands them to me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

" What was that?"

" A kiss."

" You better that shit on these lips."

I picked out my lips and feel nothing. I open my eye to see her standing there with her arms crossed.

" Keith just get the car please."

" Not until you give me a kiss."


Knowing him for the past weeks of spending time together, he won't do something unless he gets what he wants. I place my lips on his and he tries to be slick sticking his tongue down my throat. I pull away wiping his DNA from the side of my mouth. He walks away with a goofy ads smirk on his face. Three minutes later he pulls up and helps me put the bags.

" Are you hungry?"

" Yes daddy."

I slip that in to see how he would react. He stopped what he what he was doing and looked over to me.

" Don't do that. What do you want to eat?"

" Let's go to Uncle Luke's."

" Okay, but I'm driving."

~ ~ ~

We walk in and almost everyone greets me. Uncle Luke noticed that we were holding hands and walked over to use. He had his arms crossed and looked at us with one of his famous death glares.

" Its not even like that ", he mocks my voice laughing hard as hell.

He grabs two menus and escort us to an open booth. Placing our menus down he makes eye contact with Keith.

" Break my niece's heart and I'll break your fucking skull. Malcolm will be your server tonight ", he smiles and walks away.

" Has he always been this protective over you?"

" Yeah, ever since my parents passed away he stepped up and acted like a big brother to me."

" Want to talk about it?"

" No thank you."

" I lost my dad, well step dad, and mom a few days I got into the doll."

" How did you get in there, you never answered that the first time we met."

" Its a long somewhat complicated story that I don't want to talk about right now. I just want to enjoy life. I have an amazing young lady as my girlfriend, possibly a job that doesn't require me to be a slave, so I'm gucci."

I went across the table and kissed him.

" No keep three feet away from each other ", I hear Uncle Luke yell.

I roll my eyes and sit back down in my seat.

This update wasn't my best work. I started writing in 2nd period today cause my chemistry teacher was about to put me to sleep.

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now