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Keith is finally to the age where he can start working as a house negro. He was still young, but Delphine doesn't care.

Sitting outside the eight year old was helping his mother snap the peas.

" Momma?"

" Yes baby ", she doesn't take her attention away from the peas.

" How come we don't get to work outside with dad?"

" Baby Mrs. Delphine needs us to be her helping hands in the kitchen ", Jennifer smiles.

" Bullshit."

Jennifer popped him so hard making him rub the back of his head.

" Ow!"

" Ow is damn right, don't use that type of language son."

"  But I heard her the other day saying that we're in the house because we are her only lightest niggas."

" Keith!"

" Sorry momma."

" I don't want to ever hear you say that word again understand?"

" Yes ma'am."

" Now go inside and do your school work with Jeanne."

" Yes ma'am."

Keith jogs up the steps going back inside the house.


I yawn as I was folding shirts putting them in their place. Just thirty more minutes and I can clock out.

" Excuse me?"

I turn around and see a middle age black women with wild curly hair.

" Yes ma'am how can I help you today ", the fake smile I use everyday appeared on my face.

" Could you check the price on these shoes for me?"

I take the box pulling out my work phone I use the case that is a mini scanner and type in a few things. I can feel her staring at me and I was getting uncomfortable.

" Ma'am can you stop staring me I'm get uncomfortable vibes."

" I'm sorry, but you look so familiar. I feel like I know you from somewhere."

" A lot of people think they do when really they are thinking about someone else. The sneakers are sixty."

" Thank you so much and I'm sorry for staring."

" It's ok. Have a good day ma'am."

Looking at my watch I see that it's time for me to go, that was fast.

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now