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Georgia was facing a wall kicking her brand new bouncy ball against it. Her cute little ponytails would bounce up everything she ran after it. The four year old was having the best time of her life.

She ran up and put a lot of power into her kick which caused the ball to hit the wall and bounce across the street towards a big building. Waiting for pass by, she crosses the street. She was so close to grabbing her ball when her grandma pulled her back.

" Georgina Marie Antoinette Dubois what are you thinking? Didn't I tell you not to step foot near this house!"

" Yes ma'am."

Grandma Josephine was heated that her grandbaby disobeyed her. She lightly tugs on her arm, so she can pick up the pace in her walk.

" Nana what about my ball."

" I'll get you a new one."

Her grandmother crouched down to her height looking into her eyes.

" Georgina promise me that you will never step foot near that house or in it, do you understand me?"

" Yes ma'am."


These past couple of weeks with Keith have been going great so far. It's amazes me that he is such a fast learner and has everything down. You couldn't even tell he was from a different time period. Even though he was born and raised in New Orleans, speaks French, his accent sounds like he's from California.

Keith was laying down in the bed reading as I was getting ready for work. I finish tying my work shoes and grab my purse.

" You ready?"

" Yeah."

He grabs all of his things following me downstairs. I've been taking Keith with me to work, because I'm not comfortable with leaving him alone just yet. It's not that I don't trust him with my things, it's just that he gets freaked out easily and is still traumatize from what happened to him. Will he tell me...no he's still keeping it inside of him.

~ ~ ~

It was almost time for me to clock out and I was wiping down empty tables. Every five minutes I would look at Keith to see if he was ok. He was too busy watching Netflix off of my IPad.

" You ok ", I rub my hand on his back.

" Yeah ", he smiles.

" Let me go clock out and grab my things then we can leave."

I rush to the back to grab my purse. As soon as I was about to walk out when Uncle Luke stopped me.

" Who's that young man you've been bringing around here?"

" Who Keith? He's a friend that's been staying with me, he moved here from California ", I lied.

" What part?"

" Sacramento ", I lied again.

" So he's just a friend huh ", he wiggled his eyebrows.

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now