vingt six

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Keith helps me step out of the car after we have made it to our destination. This better be worth it because I had to take off work from the restaurant for this.

"Well this is it", he smiles.

He opens his arms to Marie's shop and I kind of get the creeps from it. I kind of see why my grandma kept me from things like this mainly because she didn't want me to find out about her but still.

"Don't be scared you've met her before and been here before."

"I know it just still gives me the creeps."

He takes my hand and we walk up the stairs to the door. I go in before Keith to see multiple people in here getting their hair done or just relaxing.

"Y'all two here for Marie?"

"Yes ma'am", I say.

"She's in the back", she smiles.

Keith walked ahead of me taking me back to the room that we had visited before. At this point all of the nervousness vanish from my body. I was just ready to get this over with and spend the rest of her life with Keith. Marie sprays water on her plants being clueless about the couple walking in. Turning around she smiles placing the spray bottle on the table.

"It's so nice to see the lovely couple again."

"Yeah Marie I want to know what we talked about."

"Ahhh yes you would like for me to undo your immortality so you and Georgina can have babies."

"Yes I love Gigi and would do anything for her", he smiles looking down at me.

"Awe how sweet but there is a little problem I must confess."

"Yes what is it?"

"I won't be able to perform the ritual on you."

I could feel the anger radiating off of Keith's body because Marie promised him that she would do it.

"Then why the duck didn't you say that shit in the first place!?"

I rub my hand on his back hoping that would make him calm down. I know that Keith wants kids very bad and technically Marie promised him that.

"Now hold on I didn't say it couldn't be done I just won't be able to do it because it requires the bloodline to perform."

"Ok if you're not going to do it then who is?"


Their eyes land on me and I freeze letting go of Keith's hand.

Wanted to leave y'all on a cliff hanger😈but I wanted to chop up the chapters because this book is almost over maybe like 2-4 chapters left

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now