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Keith was hanging off the ground from the chains that wrapped tightly around his wrist. His right eye was swollen, blood dripping everywhere off his body. It was sad for his mother to see her child in a state like this. To Madame Lalaurie she didn't care, she was a ruthless heartless bitch. Keith could hear somebody walking up the stairs and he instantly went into a panic. All the other  slaves started graoing and moaning scared for their lives to see who it was. The door opens and Madame Lalaurie steps in with a candle setting it down on a box.

She slowly walks over to Keith grabbing his chin. His vision was kind of blurry, but he knew who he was talking to.

" Awe poor Keith...you were one of my favorites right, but you stepped across the line by raping my daughter."

" I didn't rape her.....i didn't t- "

Keith was jumping in and out of consciousness.

" Let me tell you this, not matter what you say no one will believe you. You ain't nothing but a nigger and will always be. "


I was shocked seeing Marie here standing in front of me. I had thought she died from the angry mob. She was in such a hurry to transfer my soul I assumed that they were after her.

" Marie!?"

" Keith!? How have you've been?"

" I'm good."

She gets up from her seat giving me a hug. I really do owe a big thanks to her, because she saved my life. If I stop at her shop that night I would've been dead. I am really thankful because I would've never meet Goergina l, the love of my life.

" How long have you've been out?"

" For a few months now. Yeah a girl found my doll at the mansion and I hopped right out ", I laughed.

" I'm glad to hear that you're happy and hopefully that you found love."

" Yeah the girl who found me is now my girlfriend."

My face fell when I think about what earlier at the cafe.

" But there is something wrong."

" Marie I need your help with something?"

" What is it?"

" I need help with making a baby."

~ ~ ~

I walk into the house to be met with Marley. He has grown so much and is starting to get into everything.

" Hey buddy where's Gigi?"

He hugs on my pants leg and I follow him to the living room. I hear the t.v and see Gigi laying down on the couch. Tissues were every where and I see her wiping her face with one. That set an alarm and I rush over to my baby.

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now