vingt trois

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️


Keith was running around the house playing with his toy airplane his father made for him out of  wood. He was so excited when he got it and couldn't wait to fly it around the house. He was in a nice pair of shoes, slacks, and shirt with a suit vest because Mrs. Delphine was having a party tonight. She wanted everyone to look presentable, especially Keith. This was going to be his first party serving other guest, except for the Lalauries. Leonard had  the best tailor in town to come in and take his sons measurements.  Keith still doesn't know that Leonard is his father, but he foes wonder why is he nicer to him than he is to the other slaves. His momma always says, " Baby you are too young to understand now go get me some corn from the back."

He was just standing around admiring his plane like the happy little boy he is.

" Keith come here!"

He quickly runs to Mrs. Delphine's room stopping at the doorway with his hands behind his back.

" Yes ma'am."

" You can come into the room ", she smile.

He hesitantly walks into her bedroom standing next to her while she sat at her vanity.

" Sweetheart you don't have to be so tensed around me, relax."

" Yes ma'am."

" Is everything set downstairs?"

" Yes ma'am."

" Good. Now can you do Mrs. Delphine a favor?"

" Yes ma'am."

" Can you go up to the attic and get me more blood."

" I have to go back up there ", he whispers.

" Please for me, you won't have to clean the kitchen after the party is over."

" Yes ma'am."

She smiles handing him her silver bowl that had her makeup brush in it. Keith hates going into the attic, because the image never leaves his head. Slowly walking up the stairs he hears the moans from the other side of the door. Holding onto the lit lantern, he slowly walks in closing his eyes. He bumps into a few time apologizing for his rude manners. Grabbing the hook, he walks over to the slave who hung by the wrist of his hands.

" I am so sorry ", he whispers before sticking the hook in his open wound.


Keith had been off since what Marie told him he had to go back to the house. I know it's going to be hard because he cried the last time and we didn't even step foot on the sidewalk. I just feel so bad for my baby and don't want him to feel like way. If he doesn't want to be mortal I will understand and I've decided to live the eternal life with him giving his nothing, but unconditional love. It would be a huge sacrifice, but it's all worth it in the end.

Keith has been on his laptop nonstop though. Every time I would try and look at the screen, he will cut his eyes at me and moved his body. I don't know what he's hiding for, he's living with me. This house is in my name now.

I walk into the living room to see Keith sitting on the couch. I straddle his lap laying my head in the crook of his neck. Giving him light kisses I fell his manhood start to rise beneath me.

" Baby stop ", he place his hands on my hips.

" That's not what you're telling me below the waist ", I smile.

I continue to kiss his neck and I hear little moans leave out of his mouth. He has a firm grip on my hips, I thought. He was going to try something but he place me on the couch. I let out a frustrated groan and cross my arms.

" What's wrong with you."

" Rien. "                                                    ( Nothing )

" Oh alors nous parlons français maintenant."   ( Oh so we are speaking French now.)

I get out the couch rolling my eyes walking towards the stairs. I can hear his heavy feet follow me as we traveled up. Opening the door to our bed I get under the covers and Marley joined me. 

" My sweet baby."

Keith got into the covers and laid his heavy head on my chest. No matter how frustrated he makes me, I still love him. I rub my fingers in his curls which calms him down a little bit, I don't know what he is so tensed about.

" What's on your mind baby?"

" I've been thinking about what Marie said. It's been so long and I don't want to go but I know I have to for you. "

" No Keith you don't have to okay. If you're not ready then I will be."

" What?"

" I will turn immortal for you, so we can be happy forever."

" No no no that's too much. What about your family?"

" Well just leave town okay."

I continue to rub his head as he wrapped his arms around my torso.

" I bought tickets to go to the tour of the house." 

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now