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I was sitting on my bed watching my grandma's friends pick out what they wanted from her closet before I sold the rest. These ladies brought in multiple garbage bags which is really helpful, less clothes for me to tote around. Her jewelry, they left that alone because they said she always talked about passing it down to me.

" I think we are all finished here."

" Oh ok thank you guys so much and I hope you enjoy the clothes."

They let themselves out the room exiting out of the front door. I have been bored our of my mind these past few days. Every time I would show up at work, Uncle Luke would send me back home. I know he said I had vacation time, but I don't want to stay in this big empty house by myself.

All my friends say, " girl how come you don't have a man? You're beautiful as fuck!"

It's because I stay away from them. Back in high school boys stayed away from me because of the rumors about my grandma how she only uses voodoo for evil and has killed people. It was just a bunch of bullshit lies. They avoided me back in high school they avoided me so now I avoid them.

I was scrolling through my phone when a recent notification popped up.

Gmail: New Orleans community news

Every once in a while I receive emails from the city they keeps me updated on changes, events, etc.

Opening the email I was kind of in shock.

" The Lalaurie Mansion is having half price tickets today. They must not be getting that many customers...i mean I wouldn't blame people that place was like hell on earth. Fuck it I'm going."

Nana Josephine always told her stories about Madame Delphine and how much of a cruel person she was. She always use to call her an ange de la mort because of her angelic face and the way she treated her slaves. My grandmother never let me step foot in the mansion or even let me walk on the same side of the street it was on. She claimed that the bad spirits would rub off on me.

I buy my ticket through the website and grab my purse and make my way to the attraction.

~ ~ ~

I was looking around her living as the guide let us walk freely as she recited they information she was paid to say. Damn this lady had style, but she is still a bitch. I mean how fucked up do you have to be to want to torture your slaves to death.

" Any many of you see there is the kitchen. That is where the fire broke out that lead to the discovery of the slaves in the upper room. The cook that was chained to the stove set the fire as a suicide attempt. When the firefighters came she told them to go check the upper room, which leads us to the disturbing part."

We walk up the stairs stopping in front of a thick wooden door. It looked like it didn't belong in the house. She opens the door with a key leading the way. I instantly wanted to vomit because of the stench.

" Oh my goodness it smelled like something died in here ", a plumb white lady said.

" No shit Sherlock ", I said in a smart tone.

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now