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Uncle Luke has been giving me a lot of off days lately. I spend most of them with Keith and when I have time, I go out with friends. They still haven't met Keith, they don't even know of him.  I keep my personal business to myself because the whole world doesn't need to know who I'm dating. I do plan on telling, but I don't know what will be the perfect time.

I rubbed his head as he was laying on my stomach with his arms wrapped around me. We were watching The Three Stooges since he loves that show so much. Sometimes we I look at Keith, I just wonder about his past. I have so many questions, but he dodges them all. It's like he wants it completely erased and doesn't want to remember it. I can partially understand, but I feel like their is more to his story.

" Keith?"

" Hmmmm?"

" What's your full name?"

" Keith Tyree Powers. What's yours ", he flipped his body smiling up at me.

" Georgina Antoinette Madeline Dubois."

" That's pretty."

He laid his head back on my stomach staring up at me. It was silent in our bedroom, but it was a comfortable silence.

" Georgina?"

" Yes baby boy?"

" Will genre de personnes étaient tes parents?"

Whenever Keith spoke French it's either because he wanted to practice, didn't want other people getting into our business, or just because he wanted to.

" Pourquoi demandez vous?"

" Parce que nous sommes dans une relation maintenant et de retour dans mon temps, vous deviez rencontrer les parents avant Dr faire quoi que ce soit. Puisque à cause de nos circonstances nous ne serons pas capables de nous rencontrer les uns les autres, alors je me demandais juste."

" Ils éstaient les personnes les plus douces. Ils t'auraient aimé Keith."

" Tu ne m'as jamais dit comment ils sont morts."

" I'ouragan Katrina les a noyés."

" Oh je suis désolé bébé fille."

" Tes parents?"

" Ma mère était comme un ange sur Terre...toujours souriante, malgré tout ce qui see passait. Mon père était une personne difficile à impressionner."

" Que leur est-il arrivé?"

" Je ne veux pas en parler."

Here we go again with the pushing me away.

" Baby?"

" Yes?"

" I love you."

My heart stopped hearing him say those words. I thought it would take him linger because he keeps to himself.

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now