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Keith sat on the ground playing with his wooden cars as he watched his parents work. Jennifer wiped her sweaty as he helped her husband move wooden boards. That wasn't her job, and Delphine would have a fit if she saw her doing a field nigga's work. She took a seat next to her son as she watched his play. He was making car noises and smashing the cars into each other. Keith will be turning six next month.

" Baby why do smash the cars together?"

" Because it's fun momma."

Keith being violent this young didn't sit well with Jen.

" Don't do that no more you hear me. It's not nice."

" Yes ma'am."

The back door opens catching the family's attention.

Leonard walks outside and politely greets the slaves. He slips Keith a piece of butterscotch candy smiling at him. Keith being an a child, he takes the candy. This was a daily routine. Leonard would always do a kind act towards Keith making the other slave children jealous, but they didn't understand. Jennifer's body became tense whenever his presence came around. He puts his hand on his shoulder making Keith Sr stand up.

" Jennifer can you please help me out in the shed?"

Everyone knew what that meant because it happened too often. Jennifer gets up with tears streaming down her face. Leonard takes her hand leading her to her nightmare she goes through at least once a month.

" Momma where are you going?"

" Baby go back to playing. Momma will be right back I have to help out Mr.Lalaurie."

The mother had tears running down her face as she had to lie to her son. They go into the shed at a more quicken pace.

" Papa where is master taking momma!?"

Keith jumps as he hears screams of terror coming from his mother. His protective instinct come out and he runs over to the shed. Repeatly banging on the door he begs master to take her out.

" Momma! MOMMA!"

Keith could hear her silent cry from the inside.

His father picks him up bringing him a couple of feet away from the shed. Keith had tears down his face.

" Keith look at me son, stop all that crying."

" But momma is in trouble ", he cries out.

" Stop it! Listen to me and I want you to listen to me good. Master is a white man, meaning he can get away with anything he wants when it comes to us black folk. They can beat us, murder us, but you need to promise me one thing."

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now