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" Everything is ready."

I put my attention back on Keith caressing his head then his ear.

" Baby you are going to go with Mrs. Violet for a little while."

" Is she going to hurt me?"

" No baby boy she's not going to hurt you."

" Are you going to be by my side?"

" Do you want me to be?"

" Yes ma'am."

I help Keith up from the bottom on the slide and hold his hand. Mrs. Violet leads up to the back of her house stopping in front of the door. She pulls out a key from her back pocket and unlocks the door. Keith shyness came out and he steps behind. I walk in first and he tightens the grip on my hand as he follows.

" Keith please take a seat."

His grip tightens and I rub his back.

" Its ok Keith I'll be right here."

He takes a seat on the chair and removes his jacket.

" He will need to remove his shirt. "

I help him unbutton his shirt keeping it in my arms. I back away and lean against a wall and car away as possible. I would sit down, but I can't when I'm feeling his anxious. Mrs. Violet starts by singing a chant walking around him with a dust. Then she throws what I am guessing is ashes which freaks him out. I had to calm him down and then she continued. I bit on my nails watching Keith closely. She has a vase that's filled with oil and pours the whole thing on him. By now things were starting to get serious. As Mrs. Violet was saying another spell/chant, her eyes start to roll to the back of her head. This instantly freaks Keith out and he screams and cries. It hurts me that I can't save him right now. I just want him to feel better.

Keith started to shake and foam was dripping from his mouth.

" What's happening to him!?"

" I don't know."

Mrs. Violet starts a prayer throwing holy water on him. Keith continues to shake consciously making tears spill from my eyes. I straddle his lap pinning his arms above his head. I give him one good slap and he stops. He blink a couple of times looking around.

" Baby girl where are we?"

I let out a cry hugging him tightly.

" Gigi I can't breath."

" Oh sorry."

Mrs. Violet hands me a towel and mouth wash. I wipe the foam from around his mouth and the mouth wash to clean his mouth. I plant kisses all over his face smiling really hard.

" I'm so glad that you're back."

" Baby I didn't got anywhere."

I toss Keith his botton up and walk over to Mrs. Violet.

" Thank you so much auntie Violet."

" No problem baby girl. I'm always here to help."

~ ~ ~

Keith and I are sitting in a booth at Razoo's looking at the menu. He snaked his arm around my waist when I move over to his side.

" Keith I love you."

" I love you too Georgina ", he kissed my forehead.

" You love me so much that you would tell me the truth about anything?"

" Oh course ", his thumb drags across my bottom lip.

" Why did Delphine want to hurt you and please don't beat around the bush."

Keith takes a sip from his lemonade putting his attention on me.

" Baby that night when we gave up out innocence, it was only you that night. I'm not a virgin."

" Ok where is this going?"

" Delphine wanted to hurt me because she accused me of rape on her oldest daughter."

I cover my mouth and create space between Keith and I. He pulls me back in rubbing my thigh.

" It wasn't true though. After one of her parties momma was tired so I told her I would clean the kitchen and den. As I was getting finished, Borquita came in the den. I could tell she had a lot to drink and I tried to help her to her room. She pushed me down on the couch and ripped my shirt. Then it just happened. I tried my best to get her off of me, but she wouldn't. I remeber her saying ," We may be step siblings buy it shouldn't matter because we aren't blood related. I've been wanting you since you turned seventeen and I know you want me." I didn't imagine losing my virginity like this. Then Delphine and " my dad " ( Leonard ) came down stairs. Borquita started crying saying that I raped her and flipped the whole story. If course Leonard didn't believe her because he saw her. Delphine obviously did because she thought her eldest was a sweet little angel, when she was the most sinister out of all of them. Without explanation she grabbed my parents from out of their bed and hang them right in front of my eyes. She thought it would a good family picture of I was up there. Instead she let me spend a few nights in the torture chamber."

" How did you get into the doll ", I play with his jacket zipper.

" I had a friend and she said that I could live an eternal life if I did her a favor."

" What was it?"

" I got Leonard to slip something in her drink which later caused her to die in Paris ", he smiles.

" I'm so sorry that you had to go through that."

" No need to apologize baby I'm living a more happy life with the woman I love and who I see marrying one day."

I kiss his lips multiple times putting my head on his chest.

I'm so glad that my life is kind of back to normal.

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now