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I take a sip of coffee from my mug rubbing my eyes. It's five in the morning right now and I've been up all night with Keith. I sit at the kitchen table across from him watching him color. He's been doing it since nine o'clock of last night. I am really starting to worry about him. It seems like each day he goes backwards and becoming more vulnerable. Almost as if he's developing backwards into a kid. He can't bathe himself, feed himself, etc.

I contacted his boss and informed him on what is going on with Keith. He told me that  he can take as much time off as he needs and that his position will still be here when he comes back. Thank God.

He hands me another piece of paper and I analyze it.

" Is this for me ", I smile.

He nods his head yes going back to color.

" Thank you."

I set the paper in the stack with the rest. I scoot my chair closer to him to see what he was draw this time. That's the thing, I don't know what his picture, I can't make it out what it is. He puts his arm between us moving away from me so I won't see it.

" You're not suppose to look."

" I know I'm sorry."

I play with his ear which makes him laugh.

" Baby aren't you tired?"

" No ma'am I feel fine."

" Are you sure?"

" Yes ma'am."

I grab his hand rubbing the top of it with my thumb. She smiles at me and I give him a weak one.

" Come one Keith we are going to bed."

" But I want to stay and color."

" I know baby, but not sleeping in unhealthy for you."

He breaks down and starts crying. It's not a silent cry, it's one of those loud cries kids do when they don't have their way.

" I want to color!"

" Keith stop, it's ok. You can color when you wake up."

" I want to color now."

I sit on the floor and bringing his body closer to mine. I lay his head on my chest wiping away his crocodile tears. He yawns making me laugh.

" I knew you were tired."

" Can you tell me a story?"

I think of a bedtime story from the top of my head and recite The Princess and The Frog.

~ ~ ~

I reach over to Keith's side and only feel the sheets. Opening my eyes I see that he's not there. I throw the covers off of me walking downstairs. I can feel a cool breeze and see that the backdoor is open. Rushing outside I let out a breath of relief when I see him sitting out there. I walk up behind him giving his neck a kiss.

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now