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"Me? Are you sure there isn't anyone else to do it, what about my Uncle Luke."

I do t know why I even said his name because he probably doesn't even know about this.

"The bloodline has to be female."

I start pacing around her room running my hands through my hair. I can't do this as much as I love Keith I don't have it in me to change me what if I mess it up and he doesn't come out right.


I know this unexpected pressure is getting to Georgina, so I excuse myself from Marie and walk over to her.

"Hey hey everything is going to be ok."

"What if I mess things up and won't be able to see you again."

"Don't talk like that and I have faith in you and that everything is going to be alright, you have Marie right by your side to help you."

She looks down at our feet resting her forehead on my chest. I wrap my arms around her rubbing her back.

"If she doesn't want to perform it.....I could always turn her immortal."

Georgina lifts her head up wiping the tears away from her face.

"But if I do that you won't be able to have kids...ever."

I can tell that Georgina was thinking about I mean I would too we could spend an eternity together walking on this earth.

"I don't think that's something she'll consider we really want to have this baby right Gigi?"

"I mean yeah but we would get to spend the rest of our lives together."

This was a first. I thought us wanting to have a baby would make up her mind.

"Look I'm down for whatever choice you make, but do what you feel is best."


Spending an eternity together is nice, but I know Keith really wants a baby right now.

"Ok I'll perform the ritual."

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now