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I walk into the voodoo to be met with a dim lights and candles lit every where. A white man sits at the front desk typing on a computer.

" Excuse me, I have an appointment today with Madame Zeroni."

" You must be Keith. Honey Keith is here!"

A small African American woman comes out with a head scarf and her body wrapped in traditional African clothing. She walks over shaking my hand. The woman was so petite and light skin, she could pass as my grandma.

" Hello Keith."

" Hi Madame Zeroni."

" Shall we get started?"

" Yeah."

She lead me to a room that was in the far back of her house/shop. The room was very spacious and had a high ceiling. The walls were black, but we're covered with mardi gras beads, paintings, posters, etc. Everything in her lair seem to have one dollar bills stick to them.

" What are the dollar bills for?"

" After I finish my readings, some people leave them as gratitudes."

" Oh."

I walk around some more to examine the room. I jump when I hear a hissing  sound. Turning around I see a cobra in a cage. He moved side to side as he hissed at me. I quickly look away sitting across from Madame Zeroni.

" Take off your jacket Keith get comfortable."

I take off my Adidas zip up putting it on my lap. My hands rub up and down my thighs to wipe off the sweat that was forming on my palms.

" So what brings you in today ", she shuffled a bunch of cards.

" I've been having trouble sleeping because if these nightmares that I've been happening. I just want to know what's going on and can you fix it."

" Sweetheart I am not a oneirology ", she started to get up, but I lightly grab her hand.

" My mom always use to say that witch doctors can always help solve your problems. They can fix anything you come to them with, so can you please just help me ", I say softly.

" Since your in desperate  need for my help, I'll make your reading for free."

" Thank you so much."

She sets down three cards on the table making them have equal spacing. Flipping one card, it's a picture of me being held by two white men.

" I see in your past life you were accused on a crime...you didn't commit it...it was by force...you almost lost your life correct?"

" Correct ", I scratch the back on my head.

She flips the middle card and it's a picture of a lady of color with a curvy body, she looks so much like Gigi.

" Right now you are in love at your happiest moment right now. You love her very much that you will do anything for her. "

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now