vingt quatre

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I pull up to the mansion putting the car in park. Keith's hand rapidly grabs mine as a sense of comfort. I rub my thumb on top of his hand to calm his nerves down a bit.

" You ready?"

" Yeah."

We both get out of the car heading off to the house. Keith holds the door open for me to step in first the he trails behind me. He looks around smiling a bit.

" See that they haven't done much to change the place ", he laughs.

Well at least he's starting to feel some comfort.

Soon a tour guide enters the living room giving us a welcoming smile to us and other people who have joined the tour today. I grab Keith's hand and smile at him as the tour guide began talking.

▪ ▪ ▪

We get to the part that I was very worried about, the attic. As soon as the your guide opened the door, everyone covered their noses with their shirts or tissues. It seems like it smells worst than other times.

Keith didn't have his nose covered as if he was use to the smell. He looks around with a sad expression took over his face. I wipe the tears that fell from his eyes quickly before anyone noticed.

The tour guide continued reciting the information she was trained to remember. Keith was looking around and more tears start to brim his eyes.


Keith cried out for help as Delphine dragged him by the ear. He made a mess and that drove her to the edge.

Grabbing the keys she unlocks the attic door. Throwing Keith in he quickly brings his legs to his chest keeping his eyes close. He was too young to witness the terror that occurred within the walls.

Dolphins roughly grabs his chin making the little boy look up like her.

" Keith now you listen, it tears my heart to do this because you are my favorite. If you keep acting up this is where you will be headed at. Take a look around."

Keith shook his head no resisting to face the nightmares.

" I said look!"

Keith decided to finally open his eyes looking at all of his parents friends mutated, butchered, and some just rotting to their death.

" Promise me to never make me mad to the point I have to put you in here, understand."

" Yes ma'am."

She helped Keith and dust off the nice clothes she got for him to serve at the party tonight.


We finally got out of the attic which seem to calm him down a bit. The both of us skipped the gift shop section of the tour and headed straight to the car.

Keith let out a sigh laying his head back against the seat.

" I'm proud of you, for not spazzing out."

" It took everything in me not to."

I place my hands on both sides of his face bringing him in for a kiss. Out tongues fought as his hands roamed my body. I remembered where we are a decide to pull away.

" Why ", he whine.

" Because we are in public."

" I can't wait to put a baby in you ", he smiles.

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now