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I don't know how to feel right now, upset, scared, etc. I would've thought that the city would've demolish the building because of Madame Lalaurie's acts, I guess not. I jog up the stairs and walk into our bedroom. Georgina wakes up when she feels me staring at her.

" What the fuck! Keith you can't just be all up in my face when I'm sleeping...almost got swung at."

" What is this ", I hold the IPad in front of her face.

Her eyes squint from the brightness. She turns it down before reading the email.

" The Lalaurie Mansion is having half price tickets."

" How come you didn't tell me the building was still up!?"

" Because you never did ask about it and I knew you wanted to escape from your past life. I assumed you knew it was still there because that is where I got your doll from."

I sat at the foot of the bed rubbing my temples. Gigi wraps her arms around my neck and kisses the back of my right shoulder.

" Baby don't stress yourself about it ok, she is dead, she is not going to hurt you anymore."

" I want to go."

" What!? Baby I don't think that is a good idea, you're still traumatize from that building."

" Too late I already purchased the tickets, better start getting ready now."


What the he'll is this little boy thinking.

~ ~ ~

Keith and I stood across the street watching people enter the house. He has this cold stare and hatred in his eyes. I grab his hand rubbing the top of it. He looks over to me giving me a small smile.

" You ready?"

" Yeah."

We made to the sidewalk of the house and was about to walk to the door, but Keith stopped. I tugged on his arm and turned around to see what was up. Tears covered his caramel face and his lip trembled.

" I'm sorry, I thought I was ready. I'm so so sorry."

" Keith it's alright you don't have to apologize ok, you don't have to apologize."

Seeing him cry made me cry too. We walk back to his car and get in the backseat. I comfort him as we both continue to cry.


The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now