vingt deux

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I was at work doing training like I've been doing for the past couple of weeks. After today though, I will officially become the assistant manager of the store. I'm excited and Georgina is even more excited for me. I did tell her I want a baby, but I need to take care of something first.

I asked Marie if I could meet her at her shop to talk. She doesn't know that I'm going to ask her to make me mortal, so I hope I don't catch her off guard. I do want to want to spend the rest of my life with her and I will do anything that will help me do that.

I was off helping up front with check out when I heard my name being called. Georgina was standing by the entrance with a bag in her hands. After taking care of my last customer, I walk over to here kissing her lips.

" Baby what are you doing here?"

" I thought maybe we could eat lunch together, so I made something."

" Do you want to go eat in the food court?"

" Yeah that's fine", she smiles.

I grab her hand as we walk to the food court. We sit down in my usual spot and I start pulling out food from the bag. She made her gumbo which made me smile because that is how we first met.

" Baby I want to thank you for everything. From taking me in, taking care of me, becoming my girlfriend and future baby momma."

Gigi leans across the table giving me a kiss. I started smiling all hard looking down.

" So how has you're day been so far?"

" Busy, but it's all going to be good tomorrow when I get that assistant manager on my name tag."

" I'm so proud of you baby. You totally deserve it."

" What have you been doing on your day off?"

" Nothing much. Just been sitting around the house."

" Well I want to take you somewhere after I get off of work."

She nods her head stuffing more spoonfuls in her mouth. I rest my hand on top of her rubbing the top of it.

~ ~ ~

We pull up to the shop and I can feel the fear and anxiety radiating from Georgina' s body. I walk over to her side and open her door. She was hesitant at first, but slowly steps out.

" Keith what are we doing here? You know I don't like any of this stuff."

" What's wrong with a little voodoo."

" My grandma always said there is the good voodoo and bad voodoo, but all people do is use the bad."

I grab her hand and walk up to the door. Stepping inside we see a few people looking around as the tour guide fed them information. Walking depper into the shop we step into the back which was like a enclosed backyard patio area. I see Marie reading something with her feet propped up. Pitting down the magazine she smiles getting out of her seat.

" Keith its so good to see you."

She gives me a hug and kiss each other on both cheeks. Marie notice Gigi and gave her a big hug. I can tell she was uncomfortable because both of her arms were by her side.

" This must be the girl you were telling me about."

" Yes ma'am ", she smiles.

She stares at Georgina for a little while with this weird she knew something.

" You look so familiar. Do I know you from anywhere?"

" No, but you've probably seen me around town."

" Are you by any chance related to Josephine Petit?"

" Um yeah she was my grandmother. That was her surname before she got married to my grandfather. How do you know her?"

" She was an old friend, how is she anyway?"

" Dead."

I look at Georgina giving her a look. Why did she say that so blunt.

" I am so sorry about."


Keith takes me to voodoo shop, cool but I'm a little bit weirded out. Now this voodoo priestess claims she was friends with my grandmother,  but my grandma had never said anything about a Marie. Keith and Marie go sit off at a table, but I go back inside to go to the bathroom I saw on the way in. After finishing my business I decided to look around a little bit. She had dollar bills everywhere from people she must've have worked on. My grandma always said it was th gracious gift, but the priestess never touches them or takes them.

I made my way closer to the back looking at another room that was filled with more money.

" This must be where she dies mist of her work ", I thought to myself.

I saw pictures of her with people, but one stuck out to me. It was an old photograph, possibly from the eighteen hundreds. The lady on the left looked very similar to Marie, must be an old relative. The lady beside of her looked very similar to my grandmother also. From head to toe she looked very similar to the women who has been taking care of me since I came out of the womb. I turn the picture around and see Marie Laveau & Josephine Petit 1832.


I sipped on my glass of lemonade as I heard Marie talking about her life and other things. I wasn't nervous to ask for the favor at all, I'm nervous that she'll say that she won't be able to do it. Sitting my glass down on the table I wipe my hands on my pants. Marie looks at me with worry grabbing my hand.

" Keith what's wrong?"

" Can I ask you to do me a favor?"

" Of course."

" Can you turn me mortal?"

She bust out laughing holding her stomach, but stopped once she saw my face.

" Oh you're serious. Why?"

" Because Georgina and I want to have kids, but i know I can't give them to her because of the way I am.'

" So you thought that you can walk up in here, ask, I do my spell, then poof you walk out as a human."

" Yeah."

" Awe baby boy before I do anything, you have to confront what brought you here in the first place before I do anything."

" What does that mean?"

" It means you have to go back to that house."

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