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" The princess kissed the frog turning him into a handsome Prince. The Prince and princess got married living happily ever after."

Georgia's father closed the book putting it back on her bookshelf. His four year old fell asleep halfway through the story. He was do close to leaving when he heard a little angel's voice.

" Papa."

" Yes my little angel ", his accent was vey strong but you can understand his English.

" We're you a a frog before you met mommy?"

" No I was more similar to a pig."

He snorts making pig noises causing Georgina to laugh.

" Ewww mommy kissed a pig."

" I know right, but she kissed me because she truly loves me and caused me to change from my pig ways."

A kiss was placed on his daughters head and tucks her in.

" Good night princess."

" Papa?"

" Yes?"

" Will I ever find my frog?"

" Yes baby, when you're old enough. Now go to sleep."

He takes one last look at her before closing her bedroom door.


The cashier hands me the bag and I smile thanking him. I bought Keith a gift to show my appreciation towards my man. I left while he was still sleeping, so hopefully he doesn't know I left the house.

Pulling in the garage I can still see that his Jeep hasn't moved. I grab the box that I neatly wrapped and my purse. The door slightly creeks as I enter in the house. He must not be up yet cause everything was off. Quietly jogging up the stairs I slowly enter the bedroom taking off my shoes.

" What you sneaking around for?"

I jump putting the box behind my back. Keith was brushing his teeth dripping with water. A towel was tightly wrapped around his face.

" What? Nobody is sneaking around."

" Then what is that behind your back ", he smirks.

" I don't know maybe a gift for you."

" Does it involve me taking it off of you?"

" No why are you always so nasty?"

" Because baby I still haven't seen you in my gift. Remeber the velvet set I got you?"

" How could I forgot ", I smile.

" So how about turn one gift into two ", he smirks.

" You are hella bold for somebody who came from the eighteen hundreds."

Keith goes back into the the bathroom to spit out the toothpaste. I quickly rush over to my dresser pulling out the baby pink velvet set. Throwing off my tights and hoodie, the set replace the bra and underwear I was wearing. Keith walks back into the bedroom and was stunned.

I'm raising my legs in the air stretching them with an elastic band. I look to my side to see his hard on showing through his towel. Setting the gift box in front of me, I smile doing the motion with my finger telling him to come here. He rushes over to me sitting in between my legs.

" What's the gift for?"

" Showing my appreciation towards my loving, sweet, caring, and sometimes crazy boyfriend." 

" You love my crazy ass though ", he opens the box and looks really confused.

I was expecting that.

" What's this ", he holds it with his pointer dibher and thumb.

" Its an IPad."

" What's that?"

" Its a tablet."

He still gives me a confused look. I think it's so adorable that he still doesn't know what things are nd how to work them.  I pat on my lap and he scouts back resting his head on my chest. I guide his hands to the screen and begin teaching him how to work it.

~ ~ ~


I kind of got the hang of how to work this tablet thing, I just need more practice. Georgina was asleep cause you know me. No I'm just playing we were playing tag around the house and she got tired. My back was against the headboard as I was checking through my emails. I had a bunch from the city of New Orleans. I signed up cause Georgie told me that it emails you when attractions, activity site have sales on their tickets. I click on one of them and my body froze.

The Lalaurie Mansion is having half price pickets all this week.

Aw damn Keith finds out the place still exist😮

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