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Today is my first day working at Nike, and it was actually going good so far. I can officially say I am no longer a house nigga! Everyone is so nice around here, even the white. Maybe things did change after all, but I've only encountered with a few Caucasians, not the whole population. My dad use to tell me that in this world we will always have the good whites, the whites who helped slaves escape, and the bad whites who treated us like shit.

I was holding shirts when I felt someone grabbed my ass. I jumped up real fast grabbing my booty. Turning around Georgie was in her work uniform laughing up a storm. Her laugh is so cute, but I'm mad that she did that.

" Didn't  I tell you stop doing that to me."

" Why you don't like it?"

" Hell no. Only I can do that to you ", I smile grabbing her waist.

She gives me a little peck on the cheeks backing up. Did she just...and just leave me like.

" You better give me a better kiss than that."

" Baby you're at work, I don't want you to get in trouble."

" I don't care when it comes to showing off my girl."

I made her blush really hard because she's hiding her face away. Bring it back up with my thumb and pointer on her chin I give her a passionate kiss.

" What brings you into Nike today?"

" I was wondering when was your lunch and did you want to spend it together?"

" My lunch actually starts right now ", I looked down at my digital wrist watch.

I punch in my lunch time and grab Gigi's hand.

" Where we eating at?"

" We can eat at the food court if you want to."

" Okay, but I'm paying."

We walk through the mall getting lovely stares from young and elderly couples. I mean my baby and I look cute together so that ain't no lie. Finally making it into the food court we stared at our options that circle around us.

" Baby what do you want to eat ", I pull her into my side resting my head on top of hers.

" Can you get me Raising Cane's please?"

" Sure thing my queen. Go find us some seats."

She picked my lips out and she happily kiss them walking away smiling. I love this girl so much.

I go to Raising Cane's ordering her usual, Caniac combo, double fries, and a large sweet tea and I order myself the same thing. As I was waiting for the food I felt a pair of eyes on me. I take my eyes off the menu to look at a brunette white girl biting her lip. If she keeps doing that it's going to bleed eventually. I give her a small smile just to be polite. She brings my food out slipping me her number in the process.

" I'm sorry but I'm happily in a relationship right now and forever cause I'm going to make her my wife soon."

I rip up the piece of paper sliding it back to her. Walking around I find Georgina at the same booth where I told her I like her. She was on her phone texting and I set the food down. Grabbing her plate she instantly digs in.

" Damn baby the food is not going any where."

" But it's so good."

" I know I think they be putting crack in they chicken and Chick Fil A got me thinking that too."

Like damn they be having long lines from opening to closing. They stay busy. Maybe I should've applied over there, it would be bringing in a lot of cash.

" Babe why do you always think that ", she stuck a fry in her mouth.

" Because people getting addicted to the shit it's crazy."

She nods her head going back to eating her food. I mesmerize over everything she has, her smile, her hair, that God don't even get me started. I am going to love this girl until the end of time. For real and no nigga is about to get my baby. She is mine forever.

She just looks so cute with her wild curls everywhere holding them back with a tied yellow bandana.

" So baby how is work so far?"

" Its great, I enjoy it."

" I'm glad you enjoy it."

" How was it at Uncle Luke's?"

" We were busy as usual, but it was ok."

I grab her hand and start rubbing the top of it as I ate. She is so precious.

" What's up with you?"

" What you mean?"

" You have been really affectionate laltely."

" I can't just appreciate you ", I laugh.

" Or you want some punani ", she smirked laughing afterwards.

" That would be nice,  but I'm not going to pressure or manipulate you to do that. I'm ready when you're ready."

~ ~ ~

I swayed side to side with Georgie as we stood in front of the store.

" I love you."

" I love you too."

" I'll see you at home."

" I'll see you at home, but are you going to put that Victoria's Secret set on for me?"

" In your dreams Powers."

She gives me another kiss before walking off.

" Seigneur, donne-moi la force."

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now