vingt cinq

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I lean against the bathroom sink as I wait for Keith to finish his business. It was starting to get hot and humid out and he wanted me to trim his hair a little bit. I had the clippers in my hand as my other hand covers my mouth as I yawn. My baby finally gets his ass off the toilet taking a seat on the stool. I place the drap over his body and place a cloth around his neck.

" Comment voulez-vous que je vous coupe les cheveux ", I ask while yawning.
(How do you want me to cut your hair)

" Il suffit de tout couper. je veux un low cut."
(Just cut everything. I want a low cut)

I cut the clippers on and begin to work my magic.

° ° °

I sweep up all the hair as keuth checks himself out in our bathroom mirror. I would be lying if I saud my panties weren't wet. I've never seen him with thus hair cut all he does is grow it out or have me give him a box cut. I actually like the low cut in him, he looks even sexier.

After he place his small gold hoops in his ears, he turns around looking at me.

" What ", I snike as I was throwing trash away.

" Come here."

I set the broom and dustpan down walking over to Keith. He wrap his arms around my waist missing my cheeks and neck. Then he start to whispers nasty things to me in French making me giggle and my knees weak.

" Boy stop playing you need yo get ready for work."

" I'm off for the day ", he smiles.

" I am too so I guess we spending the day together."

He brings me closer to his body placing kisses on my cheek.

° ° °

Keith and I laid in bed as we were trying to catch our breath from our activities that ended an hour ago.

" Do you ever dream of us having a baby ", he ask while looking at the ceiling.

I turn my body towards my boyfriend placing my hand on his chest.

" Just recently I've been having dreams. Its like I'm in a room that is black and all I keep hearing is this cute giggle and the sound of feet hitting the ground like the child us running."

" I've been dreaming about fish ", Keith laughs.

" Do you think that maybe I am?"

" Nah its impossible."

" Oh."

I lay my head on the pillow bringing the blanket closer to my bate chest.

I know Keith is immortal, but I had a little hope.

" I know you want a baby ", he kisses the back of my shoulder.

" I know because if the circumstances we can't."

" About that...I think I'm going to have Marie change me so we can have what we've been wishing for."

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now