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Georgia sat in her room as she stared at her packed bags. Her flight to France leaves in a few hours and she wasn't exactly excited about going. Her mother and father enter the room with her favorite meal from her Uncle's restaurant smiling at her.

" Hey princess ", her father said sweetly.

" Do I have to go?"

" Now Georgina we have already discussed about this ", her mother said.

" Why do I have to go? All I'm going to be doing is staying in the house. I do not know my way around France!"

" That is what you're grandparents are for. They will take you to the Eiffel tower, famous restaurants, wine tasting, you'll have a blast."

" Are you sure?"

" Positive."

Georgia gave her parents a hug before grabbing her bags. Putting them in trunk, she gets I'm the backseat ready to go to the airport.


I was reaching for Gigi in our bed, but her side was cold. Throwing on some grey sweats and my ugg slippers, I walk out of our bedroom rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. The smell of bacon got stronger as I made my way down the stairs. I see babygirl cooking breakfast with Marley watching her. I wrap my arms around her kissing the back of her neck.

" Good morning baby."

" Good morning daddy."

I shake my head smiling opening the back door so Marley can use it. I take a seat at the kitchen table scrolling through my phone seeing if anything happened. Gigi puts my plate down in front of me and I thank her. She was about to walk away until I pulled her down on my lap. She lays her head on my shoulder playing with my chest hairs. She plucks one off making me scream out.

" Ouch damn it!"

" I'm sorry, but it was a gray one. You need to stop stressing before more pop up."

She gets off my lap opening the door letting Marley in. He jumps on the chair the the table taking one of my pieces of bacon away. Georgina and I laugh at him. She turns her back around fixing herself a plate. She takes a seat next to me eating quietly.

" What do you plan on naming our baby?"

" Huh?"

" What do you plan on naming our baby ", I smile.

" I'm not sure yet."

" If it's a girl Josephine and if a boy Jr deal?"

" Deal ", she shakes my hand smiling at me.

I take both of our finished plates placing them in the sink, then jogging up the stairs to get ready for work.

~ ~ ~

I pull up to the restaurant making sure Gigi has everything. She was about to step out of the car until I pulled her back in.

" What?"

" Gimme a kiss."

" Keith no everyone is staring ", she blushes.

" So let's give them a show to watch."

I bring her closer by her chin giving her a sweet kiss. We pull away and look at all the other waitresses clapping and smiling.

" Bye baby, good luck on your first day of training."

" Bye babygirl."

I speed off making my way to the mall.

~ ~ ~

Training is going good so far. I don't know why is it needed when I know everything. Right now is my lunch break and I grab my wallet from the back heading to the food court. I decide on Panda Express and get a orange chicken and fried rice bowl. I was sitting by myself enjoying my food when I felt a presence in front of me. Looking up I see a black girl who is maybe in her teen years. She gives me a smile and I give her one back with a hint of annoyance.

" Hi I'm Riley ", she holds out her hand.

I just stare at it getting back to eating my food.

" What's your name?"

I say nothing.

" You're not much of a talker are what high school do you go to?"

Getting fed up with her voice I decide to make eye contact with her.

" First of all little girl I am twenty five and you wouldn't be able to handle a grown man like me. I was trying to have a peaceful break before I go back to work but you cane in my space fucking with me ", I grab my trash about to throw it away, " Oh and I am a talker it's just that I have a girlfriend that I greatly appreciate having conversations with."

I give her a smirk throwing my trash away heading back to work.

~ ~ ~

" Ooo Keith right there...yes!"

Georgina was laying down with her legs on my lap as I rub on her feet. My lil baby had a hard day at work today.

" Do you want me to run you a bath?"

" Yes please."

I pick her up taking her upstairs to our room sitting her down on the bed. I run the bath water making sure it's warm enough. I light a few candles and sprinkle rose petals here and there. I go back into the room to retrieve my girlfriend and her mouth dropped.

" Awe Keithy you didn't have to do all of this?"

" Yes I did, now strip."

We take off our clothes and get in the tub. Her back rest against my chest as I rubbed on her tight calves.

" Why are you so good to me?"

" Because I love you and plan on being with you until I die."

" But you can't die ", she laughs lowly.

" Baby girl for you I'll turn human. Now sit back and relax."

She snuggles back into my chest as I grab her body wash to begin washing her body with.

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