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French will be spoken in this book, but I will have translation in the comments.


I looked at him in shock when he said eighteen thirty three. I'm starting to think that he is confused. Eighteen thirty three? I understand if he said nineteen ninety five, but now I'm starting to get a little bit worried.

" Who's the president of the United States."

" Andrew Jackson."

That was a stupid question to ask because he could've simply researched that. I noticed that he was checking me out a little bit. I pull on my robe to cover my cleavage.

" What's that?"

He pointed to my IPhone I left on the table.

" A cell phone."

" What's a cell phone?"

" It's like a portable telephone, but it does more."

" What's a telephone?"

" You know the thing you make calls with."

He cocks his head to the side like a confused puppy. Maybe he really is from the nineteenth century. He's looking around like everything is new to him. I take his empty bowl to put it in my kitchen sink. I walk back into the dining room to see him analyzing my phone.

" Well it looks like you are going to be staying with me for a while, so I will show you up to your room."

I take his hand and lead him upstairs to one of the guest rooms. When I opened the door I instantly smelled paint fumes. I totally forgot that I was redecorating all the other rooms except, mine because I already did it. I take him to my room, which was my grandma old room. It's the biggest bedroom in the entire house, of course I'm going to take it.

" You will sleep in my room with me until I finish one of the rooms. Just think of us as  roommates ", I smile.

I get situated in the covers turning on the t.v. Keith was a little hesitant at first, but got in the bed.

" What's this?"

" It's a television. A box that shows you moving pictures in black and white or color. Most televisions are color, but they make them to the point where you can change it to black and white. You can watch tv shows and movies."

" Oh ok."

" Well it's getting late, I will see you in the morning. Good night Keith."

" Goodnight..."

" Georgina."

" Georgina. That's a pretty name."

" Thank you."

I my hand rest under my head letting the sounds of the t.v help me fall asleep.

~ ~ ~

A loud laugh wakes me up from my sleep. I let out a loud yawn and stretch to help me get moving. I turn my head to see Keith's back on the headboard watching t.v.

" You like the three stooges?"

" Yeah they're funny."

" Do you want some breakfast?"

" Yes ma'am."

" Follow me ", I smile.

The Lalaurie Mansion k.p (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now