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An angry mob made its way down to the Lalaurie residents. Pitch forks, guns, torches,  and nooses were in their hands. Some even dressed up for the occasion and wore white. A man beats the door making Madame Lalaurie open it.

" Where's the nigger!"

" He's upstairs ", she had tears running down her face.

The angry mob grew louder taunting him to come out. A couple of foot steps can be heard coming down the steps...


" Ahhhh!"

I wake to see the room is dark, the only light coming in is from the street lights. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and chest sighing. Getting up I close the patio door closing it shut. I rub my face taking a deep breath over and over again. I hear shuffling from behind me. Turning around I see Georgina turning on the lamp on the night stand squinting her eyes.

" Another bad dream?"

I not my head yes. She opens the covers up letting me crawl back into bed. I wrap my arms around her waist snuggle into her chest. Her hand caress my head which always helps me calm down.

" Tell me what happened ", she whispers.

I shake my head no wiping the tear that escaped from my eyes.

" That bad huh?"

I not my head laying my head on her breast. Her arms wrap around me holding me close to her.

~ ~ ~


I've been worrying about Keith lately, so that's why I bring him with me to work when he's off. I just don't want him to hurt himself while he's home all alone. He brings a backpack with him that has books, his iPad, coloring books, etc. The coloring books really threw me off, but I guess that's his way to release stress. Lately I've been thinking about giving him a laptop or teach him how to use one.

When I was done cleaning tables I take the seat next to Keith at the bar. I see him playing on his Nintendo Switch his mind so focused on the game. I rub the back on his neck making him put it on pause.

" How are you feeling?"

" I'm good."

" Do you a po boy?"

" Yes ma'am."

I looked at him funny when he said that.

" Keith you don't have to call me that."

" I know."

He looks at me picking his game console back up.

I walk into the kitchen to fix Keith his food. It's wasn't that busy at the restaurant, so some of the workers went home early. Uncle Luke comes into the kitchen standing next to me.

" Is everything alright between you and Keith?"

" I'm fine, but I don't know about Keith."

" Tell uncle what's wrong baby girl."

" He's been having these nightmares lately and I think they're getting to him. Yeah he's still affectionate towards me, but he's more quiet now. Every time I ask him about them, he doesn't want to talk about it."

" Have you thought about taking him to a therapist?"

" No and I don't want to. I'm not about to have somebody pick at my baby's brain and tell him he s crazy."

" I understand, but think about it."

He walks to go to his office. I sigh as I look at Keith through the opening.

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Thank you guys so much and words can not describe how I feel rn, thank you.

Q/A kinda

1. Why do you think the angry mob was so mad? Who do you think they want?

2. What do you think  is wrong with Keith?

3. Do you think GiGi should take him to a therapist?

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