16. Tick.... Tock....

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Let me tell you, deciding random murder locations is very fun.

I wasn't actually going to post this yet, but enjoy another surprise chapter lol

TW: swearing, dead bodies, a ton of blood, gore, Roman almost snapping, blacking out,


The body was hanging above them, cut open and mouth frozen in a silent scream. The eyes were wide and full of frozen fear, with blood dripping down into them. Blood was still slowly dripping from the body, painting the path red.

"What's going on out here?!" A teacher ran out of the building, having heard Roman's scream. They paled at the sight of all the blood, and Roman who had fallen right in the middle of it, who was also covered in blood. Remus and ran to help him, but the blood was still dripping on them both from above. "Where did all of this blood came from?!"

"Look up," Remus whispered.

"Sweet mother of Cthulhu," the teacher breathed out. "Okay, You two get out from under there, you're getting covered in blood. I'm going to go call the police. Stay here, someone will come out here soon."

The teacher hurried back inside the building. Remus helped Roman get up and out from under the body, both of them collapsing onto a nearby bench. Roman was shaking, both from shock and the sight of blood. He wasn't squeamish around blood, but it triggered his yandere thoughts if he saw it and that was a hell of a lot of blood.

"It's alright, Roman," Remus murmured. "Calm down. Just breathe, alright? There's no need to freak out. You're okay. You didn't do anything. You're not going to snap. You won't snap. Just breathe."

"I- I don't want to snap," Roman whispered. "N-not now. Just- just so much blood."

"I know, Roman. I know," Remus said gently. "Just try not to look, it'll be okay. The teachers will bring us clothes to change into, I'm sure. You don't have to look at the blood for long. It'll be alright. Just breathe. Focus on me, not the blood."

"Are you two alright?" There was a kind and gentle voice, and they both looked up to see Mr. Sanders in front of them. "Come on, we've got clothes you can change into. I'm so sorry you had to see that. The police are on their way."

"T-thank you," Roman muttered. They followed Mr. Sanders inside, heading towards the school office. Remus knew they were probably dripping blood everywhere, but now was not the time to mention that with Roman hanging on by a thread.

"Here are clothes for you both. They're hopefully in your size," Thomas murmured. "Don't worry about getting blood anywhere, we'll have someone clean it up. No one should disturb you in the bathroom, since all students left on school grounds have been sent home and the teachers are all aware of the situation."

"Thank you, Mr. Sanders," Remus said. They took the clothes and walked to the bathroom, changing as quickly as they could without getting the blood on themselves. The clothes were absolutely ruined, so they just put them in the trash bag Mr. Sanders had given them. On their way out of the bathroom Roman spotted something out of the corner of his eye and turned to look at it.

"Wait a second... is that-" Blood was leaking out from the door to the girls' bathroom. Remus had to drop the bag that held their clothes to catch Roman, who blacked out.


When Roman woke up he was laying on a cot in the nurse's office. The sound of voices was filtering through the door. He sat up, ignoring how his body felt like dropping and instead walked to the door.

"Oh, hello again, Roman," Mr. Sanders said. Remus was also in the office, sitting in a chair in front of Mr. Sanders' desk. "I'm glad you woke up. How are you feeling?"

"What happened?" Roman asked groggily. "The last thing I remember was the-" Roman cut himself off, glancing at Remus with wide eyes.

"There was someone dead in the bathroom," Remus said. "You saw the blood and passed out. I barely managed to catch you. That could've ended a lot worse than it did."

"Just great," Roman muttered. "Who were the two bodies? If the first one wasn't Monica then that's who did it."

"Monica was the one dead in the bathroom," Mr. Sanders said. "Viona Dayes was the one outside. Anyone could've killed either of them, since the courtyard is quite sheltered and Monica's body looks like it was just shoved into the bathroom after being stabbed. Enough of that though, you two should go home and rest. The police got Remus' statement so they should be alright without Roman's, since you were both together at the time. Your parents are still on a business trip, correct?"

"Yeah, they'll be gone for two more weeks," Remus said.

"Well, I would suggest you two call a friend to come pick you up and take you home, because clearly this was a shocking event," Thomas said gently. "Do you have any idea who it could've been?"


"I have an idea," Roman whispered, cutting Remus off.

"Who?" Mr. Sanders asked softly.

"Patton Heart," Roman muttered. "After I told him I didn't want to date him he kind of freaked out. The next day was when the first body got found, and since then random people who apparently were going to ask me out or liked me kept dying. Then he tricked me to go on a date with him with his best friend third wheeling, but didn't look very happy when I said something about being happy to hang out with them as friends. It's nothing much, but... I don't know. I just don't trust him."

"Thank you, Roman," Thomas said. "I'm sure the police will look into him just in case. For now, you two should go home and rest."

998 words.

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