7. ...And so is blood

334 19 8

Ah, some good ol' murder for the soul.

This is my favorite comment ever. I laughed for way too long at this-
(Yes the image is at the top past the video if you scroll lol)

Since I'm feeling generous and as extremely happy you guys like this so far, have another chapter today.

TW: swearing, murder, poison, yandere talk,


Roman felt like the poison in his pocket was as heavy as lead, yet in was only heavy in his head. In reality, it was so light that no one would even notice it if they didn't really search for it.

But the thought of Indigo stealing Janus from him made his blood boil, and his vision go red. He wanted to kill her outright, but that would be a waste of poison. And they were in the middle of school, so he'd be caught immediately.

And if he was caught, he would never get to have Virgil and Janus, and that was a fate worse than death in Roman's eyes. Even thinking about it made his heart hurt and his vision blur. He would have them, or no one would have them.

The cooking club room was empty when Roman snuck in. The members were having a meeting outside today, but according to Logan's information, Indigo's water bottle was always in the room.

Roman sported it right away, the dark blue water bottle sitting on the counter. It said Indigo on it in bright blue letters, so he knew that it was the right one.

He quickly unscrewed the lid, pouring all of the poison into it. Logan had said that all of it would be enough, and that way it wouldn't have any left over. Roman put the lid back on, going to leave the room, but then he heard the voices outside of the room.

Roman quickly ducked behind the counter, and just in time. The voices were now right outside the door, and Roman could hear the door start to open.

"So when are you planning on talking to Janus?" There were two people walking into the cooking club room.

"I don't know. Probably sometime soon," the second person said.

"Oh come on Indigo, I'm sure he won't be as cold as Roman was to Patton." Roman smirked to himself as he heard Indigo's name. Soon enough they would drink from their water, and then they'd be dead. All Roman had to do was avoid being found before that happened.

"I'm surprised Roman was even that cold to Patton. I would've sworn that he would've liked him," Indigo said.

"Virgil thought so, too, apparently. He was the one who encouraged Patton to ask him out." Roman felt a twinge in his heart as he heard what they were saying. Did- did Virgil really not want him? No, Virgil would want him. He had no choice now.

"Oh well, Virgil always has been a little bit strange. I'm not surprised he got it wrong." Roman clenched his jaw at their words. He was very glad that he was already killing Indigo, because now he wanted them dead even more.

"Seriously though, I'm sure Janus will like you. You're interesting and you look like someone who'd be his type." Roman heard Indigo take a drink from the water bottle.

"Yeah-" Indigo started coughing, and took another drink to try and clear their throat. It seemed to only make it worse, however, because they started coughing even more. Roman smirked as he heard them collapse, and the other person grabbed them and started carrying them to the nurses' office quickly.

Roman waited a minute before exiting the room, making sure no one saw him leaving. He walked back to the lunch area, nodding to Logan and slipping him back the bottle where the poison had once been held.

"Oh, you're back," Remus commented, raising an eyebrow at Roman. "Where were you?"

"In the bathroom," Roman said. "Where's Janus?"

"He went home sick," Logan informed him. "He said that he wasn't feeling very well after he ate, and then it got worse, so they sent him home."

"Oh..." Roman said quietly. "I see. Do you know why he got sick?"

"No idea," Remus said. "Could've been food poisoning I guess. The school lunches always seem like something that should give you food poisoning." Roman tensed up at the word poison, which both Remus and Logan noticed.

"Roman, it most likely was not food poisoning," Logan said calmly. "And even if it was, Janus will be fine. There is nothing to worry about."

"Oh shit," Remus cursed. "I should've known not to say that. Janus is going to be fine, Roman. No one hurt him."

"B-but you said-"

"Roman, look at me," Remus said. He smiled softly at him, trying to calm the nerves he knew were bubbling up inside his twin. "Janus will be fine. It's okay. It's just a little stomach bug, and he'll probably be back tomorrow perfectly fine again."

"Okay..." Roman sighed softly. "It's still hard to believe you."

"Trust us, Roman," Logan said. "We wouldn't lie to you."

855 words.

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