12. Another One Bites The Dust

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This book is fun to write. I'm glad people seem to like it so far.

Happy surprise update

TW: yandere talk, swearing, murder, strangling, rope, a sort of vivid description of suffocation,


The first thing Roman did when he got home was open the envelope Logan had given him. He knew that there would be information in there for him about his next target, and he couldn't ignore the way his blood burned to get rid of any competition.

The name at the top of the paper was Viol Davis, who was in the same year as them. Apparently they had asked Virgil out at some point, and although they were rejected still had feelings for Virgil. Well, Roman would have to take care of that.

Also according to the information, they went on nightly runs past the park. Logan has given an exact time and location for the perfect opportunity, and Roman found himself once again thankful that he had met Logan. It made it easier to just have the information handed to him.

The next item Roman pulled out of the envelope was a think but string rope. It was a high quality rope, and definitely wouldn't break under pressure. It was the perfect type of rope for strangling someone, since it wouldn't break and would be impossible to remove from the person's neck if the user had a tight enough hold on it.

Roman put the materials back inside the envelope, making sure nothing looked off about it. It was just an envelope, nothing more. Well, at least as far as anyone could know.

"Hey Remus," Roman called out.


"I'm going out tonight around eight," Roman stated.

"Are you sure that's a smart idea?" Remus asked, walking into the room. "With all the murders that have been happening maybe it's better to stay home."

"I'm not worried," Roman said. "One death was caused by me anyway."

"I know," Remus said with a small sigh. "Just be careful. The less I know about what you're doing the better, but make sure you have a plan. I don't want this to be another last time."

"This won't be like last time," Roman reassured him.

"It better not be."


Roman hid in the shadows by the park, waiting for Viol to show up on their nightly run. He had the rope in his hand, and was ready to spring out and take them by surprise.

Soon enough he heard feet pattering on the asphalt, and a figure could be seen making its way towards him and a gentle jog. Sure enough, it was Viol, just like Logan had said.

They ran closer to Roman, and then stopped under the street lamp to catch their breath. Viol looked up at the stars, watching them with a small smile on their face. It was time to strike, while they were distracted.

Roman creeped out of the shadows quietly, going behind Viol. Then he quickly wrapped the rope around their neck and started strangling them. Gurgling and gasping noises came out of their mouth, but there would be no saving them.

They thrashed for a bit, and Roman watched their face slowly turn blue as they suffocated. He smirked as he watched the light leaving their eyes, and finally the thrashing ceased. Still, he held them like that for a little longer just to make sure they were dead.

When Roman was certain that they were dead, he let the rope unwind from their neck and their body drop to the ground. Then he dragged Viol's body out of the light and into the shadows. He looked for anyone watching, but the night was quiet and still. There were no cameras in the area, meaning he was in the clear.

He smirked to himself, glad that he had gotten another person out of the way. When Roman was walking back home he thought he saw Janus, but as soon as he saw him he was gone, making him doubt that he'd ever seen anything at all. It had probably just been his eyes playing tricks on him, since no one was supposed to be out late at night with the murderers running around.

Roman knew he should be more worried about who the killers were, but being one himself made him a little less worried. It's not like he couldn't take care of himself, so even if he was targeted he'd be just fine.

744 words.

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