17. A Warning

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Oh dear, this is going to be fun for me UwU

TW: swearing, much talk of blood death bodies snapping etc. etc.,


"Logan will be here soon," Remus said. "He said something about needing to talk to us on the drive to our house, so I'm not sure what to expect with that."


They didn't have to wait long for Logan, who drove up to the school quickly. They could see how tense he was as they got in the back of his car, an awkward silence between them.

"How close?" Logan asked quietly.

"What?" Remus asked.

"How close did Roman come to snapping?" Remus instantly looked guarded, while Roman just looked tired of the subject.

"Very," Roman muttered.

"Roman what the hell is going on?"

"He knows, Remus," Roman stated, sighing quietly. "He's known since the beginning."

"Remus, I know you want to have this discussion now about how I know and everything with that but we really don't have time and need to focus on Roman right now," Logan said. "So please, leave this conversation for later. Now someone please tell me what happened."

"Monica asked me to meet her in the courtyard," Roman said quietly. His voice sounded dead and lifeless. "Remus came with me and there was blood everywhere. There were the words 'look up' written in the blood, so that's what I did. The body I was just hanging there, tangled in ropes and dripping blood. So much blood. Then later after we managed to change clothes we left the bathroom and I turned and saw blood coming out from under the girl's bathroom door. I passed out before I even knew what happened."

"Shit," Logan muttered. "This isn't good at all."

"What's happening?" Remus asked.

"Roman is in the process of snapping," Logan stated. "If you see anymore blood you will snap, and it will not end well. Think last time, but worse."

"Roman is currently dazed out and not listening to a thing we say," Remus said. "So what's this about him snapping? Hasn't he been doing that when he kills people?"

"It's not the same," Logan explained. "I was giving him targets and plans to carry out. When he snapped then he had control because there was a plan. It's not really snapping because it's not sudden. What's so dangerous about a yandere is that when they snap they don't think. If they have a plan they know what's going to happen, and there's no uncertainty there, meaning no chance to snap. The problem is when there's no plan to act unpredictably. They don't have control of the situation, and thus don't have control of themselves. Last time Roman snapped he literally frenzied, killing someone in front of five people and then killing all of them as well, only to almost be caught by the police. If he snaps again it'll be much, much worse. He could kill anyone without even a care in his anger, and it'll be much harder to snap him out of it."

"So if he snaps it's game over," Remus mumbled.

"Exactly," Logan said. "He literally passed out at the sight of blood after getting overloaded. His mind couldn't take the fact that he was forcing back the snap. Think of it like a rubber band. It stretches and stretches and stretches, and after a little while it can stretch farther than it should be, despite wanting to snap. When it finally snaps it's much worse than what would've happened if it wouldn't have stretched so far. Roman is on the breaking point, and if we aren't careful he's going to break."

"How do you know all of this?" Remus asked. "I understand you've known a lot of yanderes, but how many of them have snapped beyond control for you to know all of this?"

"Far too many," Logan said quietly, a somber tone taking over his voice. "Roman isn't the only one I'm afraid will snap right now. We can't let him snap. If he snaps it's game over. He won't actually get to date Virgil and Janus, and he's going to wind up killing them both, possibly even himself. Once a yandere officially snaps there is nothing left there to hold them back. You can't put a broken rubber band back together so it doesn't snap again. It will snap again no matter what you try. Once it snaps once it's only a matter of time. The only thing that will possibly keep Roman from snapping is Virgil and Janus, but that brings more complications."

"So what are you saying?"

"Roman is going to snap," Logan stated. "But we need to delay the inevitable. I'm not going to let him kill anyone else, but I can't promise that'll stop him. Keep him away from any blood. If he sees it he might snap, especially after today."

"This would be easier if I could just wrap a blindfold over his eyes," Remus muttered.

"Sadly with a yandere nothing is ever easy."

838 words.

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