28. The Race To The End

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Ahhhhh it's getting so close and I'm just as terrified for the end as you all are-

TW: swearing, talk of death, slight angst, purposefully causing someone to snap, knives, stabbing, slight gore, blood, implied death,


"We should be safe to sneak out of the school now," Logan said. "If were careful we'll be fine. This will be the easiest part of what we have to do, trust me."

"Wonderful," Remus muttered. "But as long as we can save Janus and Roman I'll deal."

"I'm not going to promise you that this will work," Logan said quietly. "But I can tell you that we can try our hardest. At least, if we fail we most likely won't be alive to know how badly we failed."

"Don't talk like that," Remus murmured. "We're going to get out of this alive. We have to."

"I hope you're correct," Logan said. "But it's time."

The two snuck out of the bathroom, making sure not to run into any teachers. The halls were thankfully empty, giving them a clear path out of the building. They had made it through the first part of the plan, and now they had to deal with the rest.

"Do you know where Virgil lives?" Remus asked.

"I know everything about who I deal with," Logan stated. "It's the only way to make sure nothing like this happens. After the... incident, I started learning everything I would ever need about every yandere I had to deal with."

"Let's go get those two idiots back," Remus stated. "And then let's get them to finally stop being so oblivious."


"Okay, you're going to have to trust me," Logan said quietly. "This is going to be hard, considering everything between us, but I need you to ignore it if something happens to me."

"What?!" Remus exclaimed. "No way!"

"Remus, listen to me," Logan said somberly. "You have no choice. I can get him away for awhile, but he's going to know that I know. I will probably end up knocked out and brought back. You need to sneak inside and find Roman and Janus before he gets back. That's the only way this will work. You need to focus on them, not on me. I'll be fine."

"You'd better be," Remus said. "We've only been on one date you asshole. I'm not losing you now."

"You won't have to," Logan reassured him. "Just make sure you find them."

"I will."

"Are you ready?" Logan asked. Remus nodded, and Logan sighed. "Then I suppose it is time to begin."


"What do you want, Logan?" Virgil asked, opening the door. Logan controlled the slight bit of fear he felt, pushing it down until he could barely feel it.

"Roman and Janus are missing," Logan stated. "Where are they?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Virgil said, narrowing his eyes. "What are you suggesting?"

"I think you know what I'm suggesting," Logan said.

"I don't know where they are," Virgil said coldly. "I wouldn't hurt my loves, thank you very much."

"Then maybe you'd like to help me look for them," Logan suggested, leaving no room for him to disagree. "Since you love them and all, you should probably be more worried about where they are, lest someone became suspicious."

"Fine," Virgil hissed, glaring at Logan. "I'll come with you."

"I thought we could check the woods first," Logan said. "They surround the park, after all, and since that seems to be where the two were taken from. It's curious, really. Who could possibly take two people in broad daylight without anyone seeing? Unless of course, they lived nearby..."

"Careful, Logan," Virgil said. "You wouldn't want to make assumptions you know nothing about."

"Of course not," Logan conceded. "I'm just simply theorizing. It really shouldn't bother you, since you apparently had nothing to do with it. And to think, someone else now has the two, and you don't. Looks like someone else got to them first. Too bad, really. Now they'll never love you."

"They will love me," Virgil snapped. "You don't know what you're talking about!"

"How will they love you if you don't know where they are?" Logan asked, false innocence clear in his voice. "Unless of course, you do know where they are. Otherwise they'll never love you. They could be dead by now."

"I would never hurt my loves!" Virgil snapped. He was glaring at Logan. The two were far enough into the wooded area that Logan knew anything could happen, and that was enough to make him terrified. He could only hope that Remus found the other two in time. "And I'm getting sick of your questions."

Logan saw the knife only a second before it was plunged into his stomach. He gasped in pain and shock, falling down onto the ground and collapsing against a tree. The wound burned, and warm blood was flooding from the wound. He was panting as he tried to put pressure on the wound and stop the bleeding, though he wasn't very successful.

"Now if you excuse me," Virgil growled. "I have to get back to my loves. You've delayed me long enough."

Logan watched Virgil leave through eyes squinted in pain. There was nothing he could do now. It was in Remus' hands.

886 words.

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