27. Confessions

272 14 17

I keep putting off writing this because I don't want it to end lol

TW: swearing, talk of kidnapping/murder/etc, mentions of suicide, angst,


"So, is whoever it is here?" Remus questioned. Logan sighed, looking around.

"No, they aren't here yet," Logan said. "But there's still time left. We don't know that they won't show up yet."

"Are you sure that you know who it could be?" Remus asked. "Couldn't it be anyone?"

"Technically, yes," Logan said. "But I have a feeling I know who it is. I just need to see if they show up."

"But why does that matter?" Remus asked. He was quickly growing frustrated with the endless questions which he got no answers to. It wasn't Logan's fault, and he knew that, but he was anxious about the entire situation. His twin had been kidnapped by someone who was psycho and had snapped, and there was nothing he could do but try and hold it together.

"If this person shows up, then clearly they aren't holding two prisoners," Logan explained. "They're a yandere. If they were the one who took them, then they will want to spend time there and care for them and talk to them and try and get them to love them. It's not the right way to do it, but a yandere doesn't care about that, especially not this one. If they were the one who took Roman and Janus, they sure as hell won't be here."

"I guess that makes sense," Remus mumbled. "I just... I want to make sure they're okay. I want to actually do something. Roman snapped and I wasn't there to help him and then this happened. I can't take it, Logan. He's my twin. We grew up together, just the two of us. I don't want to imagine how it would feel to lose him."

"And hopefully you won't have to," Logan murmured. "But if we rush into this then we have no hope. We need to be careful about what we do, especially if it's who I think it is. One wrong move and we have no chance."

The two stood there in silence until the bell rang, signaling the start of the school day. Logan sighed quietly, looking around one last time before pulling Remus into the bathroom.

"What are we doing in here?" Remus asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"We need to wait before sneaking off campus," Logan said. "There's no way we won't get caught if we go now. If we wait a little bit then we'll get out of here much easier. At least this will give me time to explain." Logan quickly checked all of the stalls for people before turning back to Remus. "It's definitely who I thought it was."

"I'm guessing that's not a good thing," Remus muttered. "Fucking hell. So who is it?" Logan looked down, not meeting Remus' eyes. "Logan? What's wrong?"

"Don't hate me," Logan whispered. "Please, don't hate me."

"I'm not going to hate you for this," Remus said. "Why would I-"

"The other yandere is Virgil."

"Oh." Remus blinked a few times. "What?"

"Virgil is the third yandere," Logan said quietly. "There, now you know. The three were all hopelessly in love with each other and I never told them. I let them... god, the things I let them do."

"Why?" Remus asked quietly. "I'm sure you had a reason if you didn't tell them. I know you, Logan. There had to be a reason for this."

"There wasn't a reason," Logan whispered. "At least... not a good one. I was scared." He had a faraway look in his eyes, like he was seeing another time and place. "There was another time like this. Two yanderes fell in love with each other without realizing what one another were. I tried to tell them but... they both took it the wrong way. They refused to listen to me. I was new the the concept of yanderes and just how wrong everything could go. I thought by telling them I was going to save so many lives..."

"In the end, I saved no one." Logan paused for a second, as if to hold back tears. "More died than what would've happened if I would've let them figure it out on their own. They would've been happy, but I messed up. When I told them, they both focused on the wrong part; that their love was a yandere. Meaning, they thought they each loved another. They became obsessed with trying to find out who their love liked and killed so many. In the end... one got caught, and in the fight that followed ended up dead. The other killed themselves out of despair."

"Holy shit," Remus muttered. "But that wasn't your fault, Logan. And neither is this."

"But it is," Logan said. "I tried to tell Virgil. He was so close to snapping, and I was scared. I had tried to let things happen, but it was too risky to let him be that close to snapping. I wanted those three to get a happy ending. Instead, when I tried to tell Virgil it was like he didn't hear most of what I said. That was my fault, since I started with telling him that there are two other yanderes, and before I could tell him that it was Roman and Janus he was gone."

"So that's why he kidnapped them," Remus concluded. "He thought he had competition."

"Exactly," Logan said. "And now, if we aren't careful this will be another bloodbath. I can't watch something like this again, Remus. We have to stop this."

943 words.

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