6. Red Is The Color Of Roses...

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We're just getting into a very fun part in this book for me. Have fun with the confusion.

Surprise update time

TW: swearing, yandere talk,


It was the next day, and Roman was tired as fuck. Not to mention annoyed with the whispers that seemed to follow him around the hall. He didn't get why, because he couldn't have possibly been the first person to reject Patton.

Maybe he had been a little cold, but Roman couldn't help it. He knew that going on a date with Patton wouldn't lessen his feelings for Virgil and Janus, and he was completely uninterested in him, so there was no point.

Logan and Janus were waiting for him and Remus, and Logan looked just as annoyed as usual. He was looking at Roman as if he was stupid, which let's be honest, was probably correct with whatever he was annoyed about.

"You fucked up," Logan stated, cutting to the chase immediately. "You very much so fucked up."

"With what?" Roman asked with a sigh.

"How you rejected Patton."

"Wait what?!" Janus exclaimed, looking between them in shock. "What happened?"

"Roman here got asked out by Patton last night, and he fucking messed it up," Logan muttered. "Do you realize how horrible that went? Someone took a video, Roman. You're the only person who's ever rejected Patton, and also the only person he's ever asked out, which makes it worse how you rejected him."

"Logan you know I have absolutely no interest in him," Roman said.

"Yes I know that!" Logan snapped. "But you could've done a better job of not looking like a complete and utter asshole. Do you want to know how Virgil reacted?"

"W-what?" Roman asked, his stomach dropping.

"See for yourself." Logan pointed at Virgil, who was shooting Roman dark looks from where he was comforting a still upset Patton. "You fucked up, Roman."

"I- I did," Roman whispered.

"Not only that, but someone got murdered last night." Roman and Remus glanced at each other with wide eyes, and then they both glanced back at Patton. "The person got stabbed nine times in the park."

"Who was it?" Remus asked.

"Maya Winters," Logan stated. "She was a year younger than us, and also apparently was infatuated with Roman, which means everyone is gossiping even more than usual."

"Do you- do you think..." Roman trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence.

"You think-" Janus it himself off, glancing at Patton.

"I mean, I don't know, but what if it was?"

"I don't know if he could do something like that," Janus said.

"Don't they tend to not be someone you'd think could do it?" Remus asked.

"Indeed," Logan said. "But there's no way to know. Well, there's one way, but no."

"Logan," Roman said with a whine. "Just tell us."

"No," Logan stated. "You know my rules." Roman huffed, and Remus raised an eyebrow.

"Rules?" Remus asked.

"Yes," Logan said. "I don't share secrets unless I have a reason to."

"But what if it was him?" Remus asked.

"Still won't share it," Logan said, smirking at Remus. "He wouldn't be the first I've known about if he was one."

"You mean-"

"Yes, I've known several," Logan said with a shrug. "You'd be surprised how many there are in the same place at once. And yet they're always blissfully unaware of each other. However... that's not always the case."

"So you've never turned in any of them, despite them being murderers?" Remus asked incredulously.

"Of course not," Logan said. He chuckled softly, seeing how shocked Remus was. "What would the point be?"

"I don't know, the fact that they've murdered people," Remus pointed out.

"Still, it's a small matter."

"Uh huh.." Remus glanced at Roman and raised an eyebrow, and Roman just shrugged.


"Can't you tell me if he's a yandere?" Roman asked.

"Roman, I already said no," Logan said. It was lunch, and Logan had once again pulled him aside. "Now listen, you may have fucked up, but that was probably for the best anyway."

"Logan, watch your fucking tongue," Roman growled out.

"He doesn't hate you," Logan said with a sigh. "That's not what I meant. I just meant that someone had to snap, and if someone was going to snap, I suppose that went just as well as it could've."

"It would help if you told me who snapped," Roman muttered.

"Why bother with that? Making someone snap is the point," Logan said with a small laugh. "But I can see why you want to know. You'll find out eventually, trust me on that. I will neither confirm nor deny the third yandere's identity."

"So why'd you pull me back here?" Roman asked.

"Simple. I have information," Logan stated. "Indigo Parona is your target. They like Janus."

"They what?"

"Yes, they like Janus. Which is why I'm telling you," Logan said. "That's your target. Get them out of the game."

"What are they like?" Roman asked.

"They're in our year, and are in cooking club. They enjoy sweets, especially cookies," Logan explained. "Your best bet is poison, and if you so wish to use it, I have some with me."


"Yes. Anything slipped into food or water would work. If you sneak into cooking club during break you can put it in their water and I'm sure it'd work," Logan stated.

"Perfect. I'll take it."

898 words.

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