29. The Search

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Oh god, we're getting so close to the end. I don't want to stop writing this book, and yet I know it has to end eventually.

It really has been a journey

TW: swearing, knives, blood,


Remus watched until Logan and Virgil were out of sight before he went to the door of the house. It opened with no resistance, and he breathed out a sigh of relief. In his annoyance, Virgil had forgotten to lock the door.

He entered quietly, hoping no one else would be home. The house seemed to be empty, which was definitely a good thing for what he had to do. If someone was there to question what was going on it wouldn't end well. How do you respond to that question?

Remus walked around quickly, scanning the walls for any secret entrance. Logan has told him that Virgil most likely had them in some sort of hidden room, since it would be more secure than in a normal room.

Logan. God, Remus hoped he would be okay. But Logan had told him to focus on what he had to do. He could worry more later, but for now Logan was right. There would only be a small opening of time that he could do this. He had to make it count.

After scouring the top floors, Remus had come up with nothing. There were no loose floorboards, no hollow walls, no mysterious entrances anywhere to be found. He was beginning to feel desperate, and glanced towards the final door he hadn't checked. The basement.

Normally that would be the first place someone would check, but Remus had waited. He had hoped that he would find them in some place less obvious, but it appeared that it was going to be harder to go unnoticed than he thought.

Remus approached the door with caution, glancing out the window one final time before he opened it. There was no sign of Virgil or Logan.

The basement was normal for a basement. Fairly dark, until he turned the light on. Then it lit up, revealed random junk and other stuff. Old antiques and other thins were there, covered in sheets and discarded for a future use that would most likely never come.

There were several bookshelves in the room, all in various places. They were covered in books, and surrounded in boxes. Remus wasn't surprised to see so much stuff. After all, it was a basement.

He decided to check the shelves first. Sure, it was fairly obvious, but not everywhere would have an expensive contraption to hide a hidden room. Sometimes the most simple ones were the most affective.

The first shelve came up with nothing behind it, and no way to move it. It was far too heavy to be moved by one person, so that couldn't have been the right shelf anyway. The next shelf also came up empty. And the next.

There were only two shelves left to check. Remus walked up to one of the shelves, trying to move it. It slid aside with practiced ease, its weight being supported by well hidden wheels.

Behind the door, there was a room. In that room there were three chairs, and in two of them...

"Roman! Janus!" Remus exclaimed, rushing into the room. "Oh thank the gods I found you. Come on, I've got to get you out of here." They looked shocked to see someone besides Virgil.

"We're handcuffed to the chairs," Roman said. "Unless you have a way to break the handcuffs we're stuck here."

"Lucky for you, I've known how to pick the lock on handcuffs for many,  many years," Remus said. "Now let me work."

Remus worked quickly, pulling out a bobby pin. He started trying to pick the lock, jaw clenched in concentration. It took a few tries, but then Roman's handcuffs unlocked and he was able to get free. Then Remus opened Janus' handcuffs, freeing him as well.

"There, now we need to get out of here before Virgil gets back," Remus said.

"Thanks for letting us out," Janus said. "We still need to deal with the Virgil situation though. He didn't want to believe us when we tried to tell him that we love him."

"I'm not shocked," Remus muttered. The three quickly left the room, pushing the door shut behind them. Then they ran up the stairs and out of the basement, coming face to face with Virgil, who was holding a bloody knife.

"I guess Logan wasn't working alone." Virgil flared at Remus. "I should've known."

763 words.

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