5. Under The Maple Trees

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Oh we just love when the plot thickens.

Our third yandere is going to be taking the spotlight soon, but this isn't going to go the direction you think, that I guarantee.

I hope you guys like this so far.

Surprise update time

TW: swearing, yandere talk, crying, rejection,


"What do I do, Virgil?" Patton asked with a sigh.

"Just confess, Patton," Virgil said with a smile, looking at his nervous friend. "I'm sure it'll go just fine. There's no way he wouldn't like someone like you, or at least he'll agree to go on a date with you. Trust me."

"But I'm still not sure," Patton said nervously. "What if he rejects me completely? I don't want that to happen..."

"Patton, just do it." Virgil smiled reassuringly. "It'll be just fine, you'll see. You don't even have to ask him to meet you in person. Just stick a note in his locker."

"But I don't know where his locker is," Patton said.

"That's alright, my locker is near his so I know where it is," Virgil said. "Don't worry about it Patton."

"Alright then," Patton said. "I guess I will. When should I ask him to meet me?"

"Maybe say after school. That's usually when people do things like that," Virgil said with a shrug.

"Thanks Virgil! You're such a good friend," Patton said excitedly. "I can't wait!"


Roman opened his locker, surprised to see a note flutter out. Logan raised an eyebrow in interest, picking it up and snorting when he read it.

"What is it?" Roman asked with a sigh.

"It seems you've caught someone's eye," Logan said. "Which is pretty funny considering, but if you don't want to look like an asshole, you have to wait for Patton underneath the maple trees."

"Do I have to?" Roman asked with a groan. "I'm going to look like an asshole for rejecting him anyway, so what's the point?"

"You'll look like less of an asshole," Logan deadpanned. "Just go, Roman. You might as well end it now, before it gets out of hand."

"Fine," Roman muttered. "But this is going to go awfully, I hope you realize that."

"Oh I do," Logan stated. "But currently, if you don't go it'll be worse. Trust me, this will be the best option."

"Why can't you just tell me things straight?"

"Because I'm not straight," Logan said with a smirk. "There's nothing about me that's straight, trust me on that. And also, because it's more fun to let this descend into chaos when you don't know what's going on. If I told you what's supposed to happen, there would be no point in it happening."

"You confuse me," Roman said.



Roman didn't want to meet Patton underneath the maple trees, but he had no choice. As much as he hated to admit it, but Logan was right; he didn't want to look like a gigantic asshole by not meeting with Patton.

He was only waiting for a few minutes before Patton came. He looked nervous, and there was a light blush on his face.

"H-hey Roman," Patton said shyly.

"Hey," Roman said. "You asked me to meet you here?"

"Yeah, I did," Patton mumbled. "I, um... I wanted to talk to you."

"Well, I'm listening," Roman said.

"I sort of have a crush on you... I think you're really nice and pretty and I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me sometime," Patton said, a hopeful smile on his face as he looked at Roman.

"I'm really sorry," Roman said. "I'm not really interested in you..."

"That's alright," Patton said. "I'm sure you'll be more interested after going on a date-"

"No, Patton," Roman stated. "I don't want to go on a date with you. I'm simply not interested."

"B-but-" Roman cut Patton off.

"Look, you're nice, but I'm not interested. Don't make me keep saying it," Roman said coldly. "Begging just makes you look pathetic. You shouldn't have to beg for a date. Find someone else."

Roman walked away, leaving a shocked Patton underneath the maple trees. He sank to the ground, his eyes tearing up. Virgil had told him Roman would like him. Roman... Roman had rejected him. Patton felt his heart shattering into a million pieces.

"I thought he would love me..." Patton whispered.

From behind a maple tree, Logan smirked. This information could be useful.

738 words.

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