22. Uh Oh

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Uh oh
Here we go
Your comment went viral
I didn't really mean it but rumors spiral

Oh, thank you all for 1k reads!

TW: swearing, blood, yandere talk, death, police, slight gore,


Roman watched with a happy smile as Logan and Remus walked towards the cafe. He couldn't have been happier for them than he was at that moment. Remus was finally going on a date. He wasn't holding him back anymore.

"I'm glad that they're finally going on a date," Janus said. "The chemistry has been there the entire time. I don't get why they haven't done something before now."

"I know why." Roman sighed softly, shaking his head. "But it doesn't matter now. They're going on a date, and that's all that matters. Maybe eventually we'll have a wedding of theirs to loon forward to, but for now this is a good step."

"They would be a good married couple, wouldn't they? I mean, Remus is about the only person I've ever met who can even stand Logan's boring factual talks and the intellectual conversations. Eventually I just learned to nod and ignore him because I didn't want to hear it but I didn't want to be rude. Logan is like a brother to me. I don't want to hurt his feelings, even if I don't like to be bombarded with facts."

"I'm just glad that Remus has a better love life than I do and his love life only just begun," Roman said.

"How can someone like you have a bad love life?" Janus asked. "You're stunning, and everyone falls over their feet in front of you after seeing you. I've seen you reject so many people. Virgil and that other person must really be something if you won't even date anyone else."

"Yeah," Roman said with a soft smile. "They're both amazing. I just wish they both liked me. I hope they're both polyamorous. I want them both to feel the same about each other as they feel about me. That's kind of hard to just expect it of someone though."

"Hey, I'm sure someday you'll meet the perfect people or person who will want to be with you and who will love you," Janus reassured him. As long as he was one of those people he'd be happy.

"I hope so," Roman said. "But what about you? I haven't heard much about for love life." They were walking towards the park where they had skipped class the one day. "Didn't Logan day you've dated a lot of people?"

"I guess I have," Janus mumbled. "I don't know. A lot of them left me. There were unfortunate accidents with a few of them." He wouldn't mention that he'd killed all of them, since that tended to be very off putting.

"I'm sorry," Roman said. "I've had a lot of people leave me, too. I know how much that can hurt." He also wasn't going to mention that his past boyfriends and love interests were all dead.

They found themselves in the park, which was surprisingly empty. There was only one person, who seemed to take notice of them immediately. She was tall and blonde, and walked right up to them.

"Hey, I'm Yamira, and I've seen you around school," Yamira said. She was looking directly at Janus, and something in her gaze made Roman's blood boil. "You're Janus, right?"

"Yeah," Janus said. "It's nice to meet you."

"So I want wondering if you'd like to go on a date sometime," she said flirtatiously.

"Sorry, but I'm gay," Janus said.

"Let me just give you my number." Yamira reached for a piece of paper, but accidentally cut herself on it. "Ouch, a paper cut."

Roman didn't know what set him off. Whether it was the blood or the fact that she'd been flirting with Janus moments before he didn't know. His mind just went blank and the next thing he knew there was a pencil in Yamira's eye stabbing into her brain and killing her. He looked at the blood on his hands with a numb detachment and then looked at Janus with a lovesick smile on his face.

"Do you love me?" Roman asked, completely catching Janus off guard. He hadn't expected Roman to just suddenly kill someone, let alone ask that question. The answer was a yes, but it was so unexpected. "I did this for you. Well, you and Virgil. I've done all of this for you and Virgil."

"Wait what?" Janus asked. "I'm confused. "What's going on?"

"Three people," Roman said. "I've killed three people now. All of this was for you and Virgil. Do you love me?" Before Janus could say anything there was a shout.

"Freeze and step away from the other person!" They looked over to see a police officer, and Roman frowned in distaste.

"Hey, uh, can I calm him down?" Janus asked carefully. "I think he'll be more likely to go with you if I just talk with him first, if that's alright. I'll be fine, trust me. Just let me calm him down."

"Alright," they said with a small sigh. "Please just be careful."

"Are you going to leave me?" Rom whispered. "Please don't leave me. Don't be like everybody else. Please don't leave. I don't want to go though that again."

"Roman, are you a yandere?" Janus asked softly. Roman nodded wordlessly. He looked like he wanted to kill the police officer and possibly Janus if he didn't love him, which wasn't far off, honestly. "Hey, it'll be alright. I'm not leaving you. Can I tell you a secret?"

"Yes," Roman said quietly.

"I also killed three people," Janus said. He was fighting the urge to smile extremely widely. One of his loves loved him back. And on top of that, he was a yandere as well, which meant he wouldn't have to hide it. "I'm a yandere, too. I love you as well."

"You- you love me?" Roman looked almost confused. "No one has ever said it back before. But- but you love me?"

"Yes, Roman," Janus murmured. "I promise. It seems we were both oblivious. If you can calm down we can find a way out of this, alright?" Neither of them heard the small thump in he background, nor the footsteps coming towards them. Then suddenly cloths were placed over both of their noses and mouths, and the world went hazy.

Then they blacked out.

1075 words.

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