24. Kidnapped

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Was it evil to leave you all on such a cliff hanger? Yes.
Hotel? Trivago

TW: swearing, yandere talk, much talk of kidnapping, someone being psycho, handcuffs, mentions of suicide,


Roman's eyes fluttered opened, confusion clouding his mind. He didn't know where he was. The last thing he remembered was being in the park with Janus and the blood and then the police officer came.

Had he been dreaming? He didn't recognize where he was now. Roman realized that he was handcuffed to the surprisingly comfortable chair he was sitting in, and the room was dark and mostly empty. There was a small amount of light, like what you'd see underneath a street lamp in the middle of the night, but otherwise the room was shadowed.

"Thank god you woke up." Roman turned to see Janus, who was also handcuffed to a chair right next to him. "I was getting bored and lonely. Whoever took us hasn't shown up at all since I woke up."

"Did- did all of that really happen?" Roman asked quietly, trying I wrap his head around everything.

"Yes," Janus said. "All of that happened."

"Does that mean..." Roman trailed off, his heart fluttering. If everything happened then... "You really love me?"

"Roman, I literally killed three people," Janus deadpanned. "I love you as well. I guess we were both pretty oblivious. I should've figured it out when Logan gave you the manila envelope, especially since he gave me one later as well."

"So does that mean we're dating now?" Roman asked hopefully. His eyes were shining, even in the darker lighting.

"If you'd like to be my boyfriend, then gladly," Janus murmured.

"I'd love to." Roman laughed quietly. "Funny how this happened before we could even get together. And if Virgil is our shared second love interest... well I guess we need to get out of here."

"Agreed," Janus said. "How are you feeling, by the way? You kind of lost control there. I was a bit worried that you'd still be frenzied when you woke up."

"My head is fairly clear," Roman replied. "Maybe a slight headache, but otherwise normal. Who knew that getting knocked out would help me get control again? Speaking of getting knocked out, who do you think took us?"

"I'm not sure." Janus sighed, looking down at his handcuffed hand. "They were certainly thorough, though. The handcuffs aren't going to come off easily, and I can't even see the door into this room. There's nothing we can use to try and escape. At least they gave us comfortable chairs to sit in."

"There are so many bloodstains on the floor and walls," Roman muttered. "It's pretty clear that whoever uses this place has used it many times. We aren't the first victims."


"What do you mean Roman wasn't the only one who snapped?" Remus asked. Remus and Logan were rushing as fast as they could to get to the park. The only answers found would be there.

"It's hard to explain," Logan muttered. "I've already said before that o was concerned for another yandere that I thought might snap. I'm guessing one of the bodies was killed by Roman, since any blood would've set him off. The chloroform means that someone took both Janus and Roman by force, but who it was I can't be certain. It could've been anyone, and I won't know if my hunch is correct until tomorrow."

"Who are these other yanderes?" Remus questioned. Logan sighed, picking up the pace more.

"I shouldn't be telling you, but I might as well tell you the one for now. Janus is one of the other yanderes. He's the most stable of the three," Logan explained. "Roman is the second most stable, and the other... the other is even worse."

"What do you mean by that? I thought Patton was the third yandere," Remus said.

"That's how it was supposed to look." Logan's voice was sad and tired. "It was made to look like Patton did it from the start. Everything was one big power play. In the end, I don't even know if Patton willingly killed himself. The note was wrote by him, but I don't know if his last actions were his own or not."

"You helped whoever it was, didn't you?" Remus asked quietly. Logan froze, not meeting his eyes.

"I did," Logan whispered. "I thought... I thought I could keep them from snapping, but I guess you can't fight destiny. I understand if you hate me now."

"As much as I probably should, I don't hate you," Remus said gently. "My twin is one of the fucking yanderes you tried to help, Lo. I'll never forget that, even if whatever happened caused this. You said the third yandere is unstable, but exactly how unstable are they?"

"Take Roman's instability and jealousy and then multiply it by seven. That's how unstable they are."

819 words.

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