31. Epilogue

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Well, here we are. The final chapter of this book.

Stick around for the note at the end, because I'm not going to keep you from your ending

TW: swearing, hospitals, talk of everything that's happened, slight angst,


~three days later~

"You jerk!" Remus snapped, though there was no real anger in his voice. There was, however, much sadness, and tears were slipping down his face. "How dare you make me think you were dead!"

"Remus there was no way for me to leave you a note," Logan said, looking at him with fond eyes. "I would have if there would've been time, but as it was I was bleeding out. I couldn't take the time to find a way to leave you a note. I had to make sure I didn't die."

"I thought you were dead," Remus whispered. "We all thought you were dead."

"Well I'm not," Logan murmured. "Come here, Remus. It's safe to hug me as long as you don't put too much pressure on my stomach." Remus didn't wait for him to say it again. He was hugging him in an instant, being careful of the bandages that hid his stitches. "I'm sorry that I worried you."

"It's okay," Remus said quietly. "Im just glad that you're alive. I was so scared. I thought I would lose you forever."

"You don't have to lose me," Logan said softly. "I'm not going anywhere. Everything has been fixed now, and everyone is safe. More importantly, no one but me got hurt, and I'll be fine. Sure, it'll take a little bit for Virgil to be back to normal after that, but I'm sure that this will all work out."

"You almost died," Remus muttered. "How can you be so optimistic?"

"Virgil has recovered from many, many bad relationships," Logan said simply. "And this one... he has two people to help him get back to normal, plus us to help all three of them. There won't be any more worry about them being rejected. They'll keep each other safe and happy, and I'm going to still be here for you."

"You owe me another date," Remus mumbled, cuddling into Logan. "Our last one ended horribly, but while it was happening it was amazing. I'd like to have another one, preferably with a better and less worrying end, but as long as it's with you I don't mind."

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Logan asked. "Then we can go on all the dates you want. Plus, now that things will hopefully quiet down a bit, there will be more time to actually enjoy each other's company."

"Logan, I would love to be your boyfriend," Remus stated, smiling softly. "There's nothing that would make me happier."


"I'm glad this turned out well," Janus said. The three yanderes were cuddling on the couch at Roman and Remus' house, content to just be there with each other. "Logan is still alive, we got together... I don't think it could've gone any better, considering everything that happened along the way."

"I still can hardly believe that you're both yanderes," Virgil murmured. "It's hard to believe that I spent so long waiting when I could've just asked you out much, much earlier and avoided all of this."

"Nothing is ever that easy," Roman said. "But I don't think I'd trade this for anything. It may have taken awhile to get here, but we're here now, and that's where I want to be."

"I still can't believe the police believed that story," Janus said. "I mean, come on. Someone doesn't see the person who stabs them? Two people get chloroformed and dragged into the woods and just left there, most likely as a prank? I'm surprised they didn't question it more."

"I think they were just relieved that we're all okay," Roman said. "Eventually this will just be another dark year in this school's already dark history."

"Yeah," Virgil said. "I love you both so much. I'm so happy that you're finally, completely, undeniably mine."

674 words.

Wow. So that was the end.

First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who's been reading this book and commenting and just showing me so much support. This was such a wonderful journey to go on with you.

I started out this book with just an idea of wanting three polyamorous yanderes, and it's come so much farther than I ever thought it could. I'm so happy with how it's come along.

Through this book I feel like my writing style and even how I go about writing chapters has progressed and become easier.

Thank you all so much. It means the world to me that I got this much support and this much love for my book. It has truly been a joy to see you all react to this.

And as far as other stories and things, I do have others if you'd like to read them, but there's absolutely no pressure. I'm glad that you read this, and if you don't want to read any other stories of mine that it completely alright with me.

So I suppose it's time to say goodbye to writing this book, and say goodbye to posting it every week. I'm glad for the time that I had with it, and for all the people I got to interact with along the way.

Until we meet again

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