18. A Possible End

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No the title doesn't mean the story will end soon lol. You'll see soon.

I'm gonna give y'all this update because why the fuck not

TW: swearing, yandere talk, a missing person, talk of suicide,


"Janus, I need to speak with you," Logan said quietly. They walked into the bathroom, making sure no one was in there before talking. "You need to be more careful."

"What do you mean?" Janus asked.

"Roman was the one who found the body of Monica," Logan stated. "He blacked out from seeing the blood, which wasn't your fault, because he had seen a ton of blood from the body in the courtyard first, but still. Don't kill anywhere you think he'll see the blood, or find the body. Never kill in front of him. You can't let him see the blood."

"Oh shit," Janus muttered. "Okay. Yeah, I'll watch out. Can I ask why?"

"Just trust me," Logan said. "If he sees blood it will end very badly."


"Did you hear that Patton is missing?" Janus asked. "It's all anyone will talk about right now, besides the two bodies found yesterday."

"If we could not talk about the bodies that would be great," Roman whispered. "I really don't want to remember what happened."

"I would also rather not remember that," Remus said. "But what was that about Patton being missing?"

"They went to investigate his house and talk to him, since apparently they got some sort of tip that he was suspicious, and he wasn't there," Logan explained. "His parents let them look in his room, and there was a bunch of incriminating evidence apparently, as well as a bloody knife that matched the blood from Viona. They think he might have ran off once he realized the police would be after him, though there was a weird note on his dresser apparently. They're still looking to find him."

"Wow... I guess we might have been right about him," Roman mumbled. "But how would he have known to run? He couldn't have known that I- that someone told the police." Logan and Janus ignored the slip up, pretending that they hadn't heard it.

"I'm not sure," Janus said. "Maybe he felt guilty or thought someone saw him so he ran. You never know what was going through his mind."

"Poor Virgil," Roman said quietly. "Patton is his best friend. I wonder how he feels about all of this. Just imagine knowing someone for years and then suddenly finding out they possibly killed multiple people."

"That would be strange," Remus agreed. "I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't want to even believe it. I know I wouldn't unless there was solid proof. I don't know how I'd feel if I found out someone I knew for years had done that."

"And all of it done over something like love," Logan said. "It's strange what people will do if they love someone. Obsession and love are often interchangeable."

"No doubt," Janus said with a sigh. "I hope this all will be figured out soon. I know we suspected Patton, but it's so weird to think about. I mean, he's so happy and sweet. I guess it just goes to show that anyone can have a dark side."

"Speaking of Virgil, it seems he's coming over here," Logan stated. Sure enough, Virgil walked over and sat down. He appearance was slightly disheveled, and he looked nervous.

"Hey Virgil," Roman said. "How are you doing?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Virgil asked with a sad smile. "Weren't you and Remus the ones who found the two bodies yesterday? I heard you passed out."

"Passing out is nothing compared to having your best friend be missing," Roman said. "Seriously, are you alright?"

"I don't know," Virgil said quietly. "I don't want to believe he could ever do anything like this. He's always been so nice to everyone. And yeah he basically forced you on a date, but killing someone is another level completely. I don't know what to think."

"Hey, I'm sure it'll be alright," Janus reassured him. "The police will find him, and maybe they'll be able to find out that he didn't do it after all. You never know what's going to happen. I'm sure everything will turn out alright."

"I hope so," Virgil murmured. "I just want this all to be over. There have been so many deaths, and for what? Nothing has come of this besides more and more blood."

"The police will figure this out," Logan stated. "Until then, there is nothing we can do but hope."

766 words.

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