11. The Manila Envelope

318 14 38

Ah, just smell the fresh blood. I mean-

Nothing.... hehehehehehehe

TW: yandere talk, swearing, murder, death, knives, blood, slight gore, breaking and entering,


Roman sighed as he sat down at the lunch table the next Monday. Saphira Dayes had been killed over the weekend, and security had been even worse around the school grounds. He wished that they wouldn't be taking this so seriously, because it would make his job so much easier they didn't.

Roman jumped when a Manila folder was slid in front of him, and looked up to see Logan raise an eyebrow at him.

"What's this?" Roman asked.

"More info for your little project," Logan said. "It should be enough, but if you need anything else don't be afraid to ask."

"Oh, thanks Logan," Roman said.

"What project?" Remus asked. "I don't remember hearing you complain about some sort of project."

"I don't complain about every project," Roman said.

"Yes you do," Remus deadpanned. "You're so dramatic, and you throw yourself onto the couch and use fancy words that you heard fancy British people use, and then you start screaming about being gay and European, despite having never been to Europe in your life."

"Okay, well no one needed to know that," Roman said, blushing slightly in embarrassment.

"Not surprised, honestly," Janus stated. "You're literally the most dramatic person alive."

"Am not!" Roman protested.

"Yes you are," Logan stated.

"You're all so mean," Roman said with a pout. Janus looked away, trying to hide the fact that he was having a gay panic because of how adorable Roman was being. "And it's not like Remus is any better. When he lost his virginity he was so dramatic that the next day he cried like he was dying, and then climbed to out neighbor's roof and screamed that he lost his virginity until they called the cops."

"What the fuck-" Janus said.

"Well, no surprise there. Didn't he start the bathroom sex thing?" Logan asked.

"Yep," Remus said. "It was one of my finest accomplishments."

"I still can't believe you two haven't fucked yet," Janus muttered. "Logan is a slut and Remus is clearly a whore, so why the fuck has nothing happened?"

"I have no idea," Roman remarked. "They're clearly each other's type."

"Do I have to remind you two that you're both too scared to admit who you like?" Logan asked, raising an eyebrow. They both paled, quickly looking anywhere but at Logan.

"How the fuck did you make them be quiet?" Remus asked in disbelief.

"Easy," Logan remarked. "They're both oblivious and very, very gay."

"Sounds about right," Remus said with a nod. "I mean, it's not like we'd fuck anyway. You may be a slut but I wouldn't call myself a whore."

"You slept with half of your old school," Logan said, shooting him a smirk as Remus' eyes widened in shock. "I'd say you're a whore."

"How the fuck-"

"Don't question it," Logan said, laughing quietly. "Though I have to say, you are certainly quite hot."

Remus blushed a bright red as Logan winked at him before walking away.


"So what else do you have for me?" Janus asked as he and Logan were walking to Janus' house to hang out.

"Here," Logan said, handing him a manila envelope.

"So who's the target?" Janus asked.

"Salem West," Logan stated. "They should be fairly easy to kill. There are no security cameras in or on the house, and their window is always unlocked."

"What'd they do?"

"Constantly hitting on Virgil."

"Oh that's it, they're dead," Janus growled out.

"Good. It should be fairly easy to pull it off tonight, as their parents are out of town and they don't have any pets. You'll be able to be in and out very quickly," Logan stated.

"I'm in."


Janus crept slowly toward the house, observing that no lights were on anywhere that he could see. From the information Logan had given him he knew exactly where Salem's room was, and soon enough he was quietly crawling through the window. Thankfully he had worn gloves so he wouldn't leave finger prints.

Janus slowly moved towards the bed, which held the sleeping target. He had a sharp knife in his hand, and a small smirk on his face.

He took a small breath before plunging the knife into Salem's chest, and then pulled it out and sliced their throat as well. For good measure he stabbed them a few more times, and then crept back out the window, making sure that he didn't get blood on himself.

762 words.

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