20. Date Plans

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We're getting so close to one of my favorite things that'll happen in this book, and I'm super excited for it.

TW: swearing, yandere talk, mentions of snapping/loss of control, threats,


"What do you mean you're cutting me off?" Roman asked. It was a few days after what had happened with Patton, and school was back to normal. Well, back to normal besides Virgil not being back yet. He had taken off several days of school to deal with the loss and shock of it all. "You're just going to stop giving me people to kill?"

"Roman, it wouldn't be smart to kill someone right now," Logan explained. "Now that everyone thinks the killer is gone it wouldn't be smart to kill right away. Let them believe that no one else will die. Let them believe the police can be sent back and the security can be loosened up. You can't just go killing people."

"That never stopped me in the past," Roman stated. Logan sighed, adjusting his glasses. He was in for a fight over this.

"Roman, the last time you even saw blood you fainted and almost snapped," Logan deadpanned. "The next time you see blood you're going to snap completely, and I'm trying to hold that off as long as possible. I can't let you kill anyone, especially not right now. If you're going to go against me to kill someone then at least wait until things settle down."

"Fine," Roman grumbled. "But if you try and stop me later you are going to be the one who ends up dead."

"Sure I am," Logan said with an eye roll. "I don't think you realize exactly how dumb it would be to try and kill me. I've got informants and help everywhere. I could easily have you reported and arrested if I need to. If I feel my life is in danger I will not hesitate to get you thrown in jail, and then you'll never get your loves."

"Good point," Roman grumbled. "I have a question though."

"Go ahead," Logan said. "As long as it's not a dumb qu-"

"Do you like Remus?" The question caught Logan off guard.

"I- what?" Roman was giving him a knowing look.

"Fine, yes I do," Logan muttered. "Is that a crime now, or is there another reason you're asking?"

"I'm asking so I can tell you to ask him out," Roman stated. "Take him on a date or something."

"I doubt he would share my feelings," Logan said. "What's the point of asking him out? He'll just say no, and then things will be awkward."

"Trust me Logan," Roman said. "He's going to say yes. Plus, it'd be his first date, and someone needs to give him that experience at some point."

"Wait- did you say it would be his first date?" Logan asked.

"With me being what I am, Remus never dated anyone," Roman explained. He had a slightly guilty expression on his face. "He didn't think it was safe since he never knew when I was going to do something or kill someone, and he knew he could never explain to anyone what I am. Several people have asked him out, but he's always rejected them because of me. I feel bad that he hasn't been able to date anyone. But with you it's different. You know what I am and you aren't going to tell anyone. He's much more likely to say yes. Please just try. I don't want it to be my fault he's never able to get married, but if you don't ask him out he might never find someone he trusts enough to date."

"Alright, I'll ask him out," Logan said. "But where do you think he'd want to go? I can't say I've been on many dates before either." Roman smiles brightly and did a tiny victory dance.

"Take him to the cafe," Roman stated. "He hates to admit it, but he loves that place. You know, the one that has friendly rats at each table that you can play with."

"Of course he'd like The Rat Palace," Logan said with a small laugh. "That seems so much like him. I don't think I've ever actually been there besides the one time Janus dragged me there to get coffee to go."

"Now all you need to do t ask him out."

"Thank you, Roman," Logan said with a small smile on his face.

"For what?"

"For pushing me to do something that I wanted to do anyway but was too nervous to do on my own."

767 words.

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