10. Skipping

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Hope y'all enjoy this so far. Thanks to everyone who's been reading this.

UwU happy surprise update

TW: swearing, yandere talk, jealousy,


"Roman where are you going?" Janus asked. "Aren't we supposed to stay on the school grounds during school hours right now? You know, because of the murders?"

"We're supposed to," Roman said ah a sigh. "But I need a break from this shit."

"Fine, then I'm coming with you," Janus said. "Safety in numbers, so that way at least it's not just you alone."

"Thanks, Janus," Roman said, smiling at him.

"Of course. You're my friend," Janus said. Roman felt his heart twinge at the word friend, but he knew that Janus was right. They were just friends, no matter how much Roman wanted more. He would get Janus to like him, and whether it was through force or naturally didn't matter to Roman. He just wanted more.

They snuck off of the school grounds with relative ease, since despite the new restrictions, they didn't bother enforcing them. They headed to the park, not caring that it was the location one of the victims had been stabbed.

"So what do you want to do?" Janus asked, looking over at Roman.

"I don't know... I just wanted to get away from everyone. They're all talking so much about the murders, and I'd rather not worthy about it right now," Roman said with a sigh.

"Yeah I get that," Janus murmured. "There's so much talking about who did it, and everyone thinks they're right. I feel bad for whoever actually did it. Why on earth would you want this much attention for your kills?"

"And who knows if the two were even related to the one at school," Roman said. "They weren't even on school grounds, so it literally could've been anyone. There's no point in directing all of the focus on the students."

"Exactly." For awhile they were silent, just sitting there in thought.

"What if I told you I killed someone?" Roman asked quietly.

"I might say that I've killed someone as well," Janus whispered.

"But that's absurd, of course. Neither of us would ever kill anyone," Roman muttered, looking at the sky with a sad expression.

"Of course not," Janus mumbled, looking away from Roman with a sad expression as well.

Roman wasn't surprised he felt sad. After all, Janus saw him as a friend. And he was reminded of that every second that he couldn't hold him in his arms and be affectionate. Maybe he was clingy sometimes, but who can blame him? No one ever understood his obsession with those he loved, even Remus, who understood better than most.

Things weren't easy for a yandere. Roman couldn't tell whoever he ended up with that he was one, or they'd leave him. And he didn't want to lose anyone else. His heat tightened at the thought of Janus and Virgil leaving him. They would stay. He would make them stay.

"So... have your eyes on anyone?" Janus asked quietly, breaking the sullen silence that had fallen upon them.

"There's two people," Roman said.

"Oh... same I suppose," Janus said. "We both like Virgil, of course. Who's the other?"

"I'd rather not say," Roman muttered. "But he's amazing. His eyes are so perfect. Who's your other one?"

"I don't want to say either," Janus said, fighting back the jealousy that he had about Roman liking someone that wasn't him or Virgil. He really didn't mind him liking Virgil, since he wanted a relationship with both of them. However, liking the second person was a problem for Janus. "But he's perfect and his voice is amazing."

"That's nice," Roman said quietly. Little did each of them know, they were both jealous of whoever the other person they both liked was, completely oblivious to the fact that they were one another's second love.

"We might want to get back to school now," Janus said. "I think if we stay out here any longer they'll notice."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Roman said. "Thanks for coming with me, Janus. It was nice to get a break from school and all of that."

"Of course. If you wanna skip class again some time I'll come with you," Janus offered.

"I'd like that." Roman smiled at Janus, feeling his stomach flutter when Janus smiled back. Janus would love him, or Janus would love no one.

735 words.

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