3. Someday

401 24 11

So many murders, so little time. At least... so little time in our lives left~

Also, here. Have a random update that's completely unscheduled because I can.

TW: swearing, mentions of murder, Remus, arguing, mentions of prison, talk of mental stability,


"Please tell me you didn't fall for anyone," Remus said when they walked back into their home after school. "Please, please tell me you didn't."

"You know I can't control it," Roman muttered. "It's not my fault."

"I know, Roman, it's just that after last time..." Remus trailed, shaking his head. "Let's not worry about that. Who did you fall for?"

"Janus..." Remus was about to say something else, but Roman spoke again. "And Virgil..."

"Two?" Remus asked quietly. "Why this again? Why did it have to be two? That was about the worst heartbreak you've had, Roman. Also, who's Virgil?"

"Bright purple hair, so many piercings, pink style, gorgeous face..." Roman trailed off with a happy smile. "He's perfect."

"Do you realize what this means?" Remus asked. "Roman, you can't go through that again. Last time you fell for multiple you almost-"

"We do not y'all about that," Roman snapped. "I told you never to mention it again, Remus. I don't want to be reminded."

"But you have to be reminded!" Remus started pacing. "Roman, if you aren't careful, this will go so much worse. If that's what happened last time... just imagine what would happen this time. You can't go through that again, Ro. I'm just worried for you."

"I know, Remus. But I'll be fine," Roman said. "This won't be like last time."

"It better not be," Remus growled out. "You scared me to death last time, Roman. I don't want to go through that stress again, and I don't want you to go through that again. I hope for your sake the feelings go away this time..."

"You know that's not how it works," Roman said quietly. "No matter how much I wish it did after every heartbreak... but I can't change it. I will find someone who loves me. Or I will kill everyone trying."

"This is what scares me!" Remus snapped. "You can't hear yourself! I know you can't control it, but look at what you're saying! Roman this is how someone is going to be killed at the wrong time, and then you'll be caught. I don't want to lose you, and you will never get love if you're caught! They will sentence you for life or worse, and any chance you had of love will be gone."

"Why can't you just let me try?!" Roman yelled. "I don't get why you're so upset!"

"Because I'm scared!" Remus was clenching his fist, overly stressed and nervous. "I don't want to lose you! I don't want you to die! I don't want to see you get hurt! I have to watch you snap over and over without being able to stop it, and it makes me realize how powerless I am! I get that you can't stop it, but you am at least try to be more careful. You will never find love if you keep being recluse. With every heartbreak you get worse and worse, and you're less stable than when this started. We don't need a repeat of last time, and we don't need it to get worse than it is. This is already almost more than you can take."

"I know..." Roman whispered. "I just... I just want to find love, Remus. I can't help this... every heartbreak gets so much worse, but if I don't keep searching it makes me more desperate. It's a double edged sword."

"Just promise me to be careful this time," Remus said with a sigh. "I just want you to be safe, Roman. I want you to find love, but not at the expense of your mind."

"I can't control it, Re," Roman said. "I know it's getting worse, but I can't stop..."

"I know," Remus said softly. "It's unfair of me to ask that of you when I know it's impossible. I wish it was something you could control, but I know it's not... I just don't want you getting hurt. If we get a repeat of last time..."

"Yeah..." Roman sighed. "Let's try not to worry, though. Maybe this time that won't happen. Maybe it'll be better. We can't just always look at what's happened, Remus. Someday someone will love me, and then I won't have to go through this every time."

"Someday... lets hope someday is sooner rather than later."

761 words.

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