21. Reassurances

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This is all leading up to one moment and I just can't wait-

TW: swearing, yandere talk,


Roman gave Logan a small thumbs up and an encouraging smile as he approached Remus. He was nervous, but at the same time he trusted Roman. He just hoped Roman was right.

"Excuse me, Remus," Logan said. Remus looked at him with a smile. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me tomorrow. We could go to The Rat Palace and get something to eat, or whatever you'd prefer."

"Logan, I'd love to go on a date with you, but..." Remus trailed off as he glanced at Roman, who was talking to Janus. He lowered his voice to a hushed whisper. "What if something happens while I'm not there? I don't want him to snap. If I could've prevented something but I wasn't there I don't think I could forgive myself."

"Remus, he'll be alright," Logan reassured him. "It's highly unlikely that anything will actually happen, and we can get Janus to hang out with him. He'll be alright. You need to spend some time without worrying about him for once, not that worrying about him is bad, but you need to take some time for yourself. Otherwise you never know what you'll miss in life."

"You're right," Remus said. "I'm just scared to lose him. Even before now I didn't leave him alone for that long. I didn't want him to snap and hurt someone, but I didn't want to try and stop him either. I just... I get worried. Especially now. He's so close to snapping, and I don't want him to lose it. I love him, Logan. He's my twin. I don't want to lose him. And our parents aren't even here right now because they're on another stupid business trip like usual. They don't know what he is. They don't care about us. We're their accidents. We were lucky enough to be born twins, because otherwise most of ours life we would've been alone."

"I understand you're worry," Logan murmured. "It's alright to be worried. You're dealing with something that most people don't have to deal with or even know about. Being scared is okay. Want to know something?"

"Sure," Remus mumbled.

"Roman was the one who convinced me to finally ask you out," Logan stated. "He told me that he felt guilty since you've never been on a date because of him. He wants you to be happy, Remus. He wants you to be just as happy as you want him to be. Roman doesn't like being the reason you haven't dated anyone. He convinced me to finally do what I wanted to do before and ask you out."

"He- he said that?" Remus asked quietly.

"Yes," Logan said. "So would you like to go out with me tomorrow?"

"I.... I think I would like that a lot," Remus said quietly, a small smile on his face. "Thank you, Logan. You're the first person I've met who's understood what I'm going through and has tried to help. I've never had anyone I could even tell about what Roman is before, let alone someone who already knew."

"Well, I'm happy to help.


"Look at them," Roman said, glancing over at Logan and Remus. "Finally they're going to get together. It took forever to actually convince Logan to ask Remus out. Let's hope Remus isn't too stubborn and just accepts."

"I can't imagine why he wouldn't," Janus said. Roman looked slightly guilty for a second, but then the look was gone. "Their personalities fit well together, and they're clearly into each other."

"Yeah," Roman said. "Hey, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out tomorrow after school while they're on their date, seeing as I have nothing better to do."

"Yeah sure, I'd like that. What do you want to do?" Janus asked.

"I don't know," Roman said with a shrug. "I figured we could just talk like we did the one time we skipped, or go to my house and watch movies or something."

"Sounds great." They sat there in a comfortable silence, content in each other's presence. They were each secretly overjoyed to be hanging out with each other, even if it wasn't a date. At least they'd get to spend time together, and no one would be in the way.

731 words.

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