30. The Final Dance

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Oh god. So fucking close to the end-


TW: swearing, angst, talk of death, knives, crying,


"Oh, uh, hey Virgil," Roman mumbled. "Nice to see you again."

"Shush, love," Virgil said. He never stopped glaring at Remus. "I need to take care of this. I'm not going to have anyone taking you away from me."

"Virgil, just calm down," Janus murmured. "No one is trying to take us away from you. Remus just let us out of the handcuffs. We aren't leaving you."

"Then what do you call this?" Virgil asked. His eyes were shining with tears. "No one stays. You don't love me. No one ever loves me. I've been told by so many people that they loved me, but they were all liars and so they all died. It wasn't my fault. I had no choice."

"It's alright, Virge," Roman said softly. "We understand."

"How can you understand? I've killed far too many people to count. I've loved so many, but they never love me," Virgil said bitterly. "And you don't love me either. I just wanted someone to love me. Is that so bad? Is it so bad to love someone so much you're willing to kill everyone for them?"

"No," Janus said. "Virgil, Roman and I know exactly how you feel. We've both been there. Both of us have had our hearts broken completely so many times. But we don't have to feel like that anymore. We love you. No one could ever make us leave."

"How do I know you mean it?" Virgil asked quietly. "How can I know that you're telling the truth? Everyone lies to me. Even my parents lie about loving each other. They each spend so much time out of the house that it's a miracle they aren't divorced yet. Everyone lies about love. How can I believe you when no one ever means it?"

"Please believe them," Remus said. Virgil's eyes locked onto him again, darkening as he glared.

"You tried to take my loves away from me," Virgil growled. "I should kill you for that, just like I killed everyone else who got in my way."

"Don't," Roman whispered. "Please don't. Leave him alone."

"You would choose him over me?" Virgil asked. "Really? After everything I've done for you."

"It's different!" Roman protested. "He's my twin. You're my love. I love you and Janus, but I also love Remus, just in a different way. I want him to be there, and I want to be there for him. If you love me you'll let him live." Virgil's eyes softened slightly.

"Do- do you actually love me?"

"Of course we love you," Janus murmured. "What's there not to love about you?"

"M-most people call me crazy," Virgil whispered. "Most people leave me."

"If you're crazy then so are we," Roman said. "Please, trust us. We love you." Virgil's hands shook slightly as Roman took a small step towards him, and then another. When Roman reached him, he pulled him into a hug. Virgil dropped the knife, immediately latching onto Roman.

Janus joined the hug a moment later, and the two let Virgil cry into them and latch onto them. Remus just stared at the knife, not wanting to interrupt, but his fear was gnawing away at him.

"Virgil, what happened to Logan?" Remus asked quietly.

"I stabbed him," Virgil whispered. The three froze as Virgil shook in Roman and Janus' embrace. "I was so angry. He- he was telling the truth. He told me the truth. I- I got so mad at him when he was telling the truth."

Remus was unbelievably pale. He was still for a few moments, trying to process what he had heard. Then he sobbed once. Then again. And then he collapsed into a sobbing, crying mess.

Slowly, the four moved into one large hug, all crying and sobbing into each other, everything becoming too much. Even Virgil had cared about Logan in his own way, and there was guilt there past the anger he had felt. The angry red haze that had made his mind a chaotic mess of jealousy and rage had started to clear to its normal amount.

"We need to find his body," Remus whispered, his voice hoarse from crying. "The police need to be called when we find it. We can figure out what happens after that."

730 words.

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