9. Suspicions

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Please don't try anything Logan is saying at home, because there is zero guarantee it would work and I'm literally just going off of my theories.

TW: swearing, yandere talk, talk of sex, Remus,


"Roman I don't know if he's safe," Remus whispered. "I know Logan is our friend but it's concerning that he likes watching yanderes snap."

"I know, but trust me, Remus. He's perfectly safe," Roman whispered back, although he wasn't completely sure that was true. Logan was a bit eccentric, but at least he wasn't going to the police.

"Okay, Roman. I just want to make sure you're safe," Remus said with a sigh. "Which one did you...?"

"Indigo," Roman muttered.

"But the others?" Roman shook his head. "Then you might want to watch out. You never know what the motive is for the other kills. Be careful."

"I know, Remus. I will be."

"So how are things going, Roman?" Logan asked, sitting down next to them.

"Fairly well, considering," Roman said. "Could be better, but no surprise anymore."

"Hmm, interesting," Logan said. "And Remus?"

"I'm fine," Remus said. "So tell me Logan, how many yanderes do you know?"

"That information I cannot say," Logan said. "I'm sure you understand, of course. Wouldn't want their identities getting out."

"I understand that very well," Remus muttered, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Logan. "But the question is, why do you?"

"What do you mean?" Logan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"How did you out of everyone decide that yanderes don't need to be put in jail?" Remus questioned.

"Simple," Logan said. "They're not mentally stable. And while I admit it's fun to watch them snap, there's no point in putting someone in the wrong place. If anything, they need help, but not the kind you get in prison. They need to learn how to control when they snap."

"But that's not..." Remus trailed off, realizing that he had to be careful what he said or Logan would be suspicious. "But how is that possible?"

"If you make them snap, they can't control it," Logan explained. "But if you make them snap when they also want to snap, there's a difference. But if you also get them to wait to act on that emotion, they can control what they do better, and can control when they snap, meaning they won't act as chaotically the next time they snap. They have more freedom in what they do because they don't lash out violently every time they get angry."

"That... that actually makes sense," Remus mumbled. "But how do you know that?"

"Research," Logan stated. "And also trial and error."

"I understand that the theory apparently works and all, but how do you stop them from snapping? Is that possible?"

"It's not possible to stop them from snapping, but if they get good enough at controlling it and the person actually loves them back, sometimes they can stop themselves from acting on that anger, therefore making it safer for everyone," Logan explained. "The problem is that not many people would stay if they knew someone was a yandere, and that means it must be kept a secret. And if the person finds out... well the entire cycle could start over again."

"Tell me about it," Roman muttered.

"What the fuck are you guys talking about?" Janus asked, sitting down. "Roman looks so done with this conversation and you two look like you're serious and brooding."

"Got that right," Roman muttered. "They're talking about yanderes again. Including all of Logan research on how to control their snapping."

"Ah," Janus said with a sigh. "And now I see why you look done with life right now."

"It's interesting though," Remus said.

"Only because he wants to fuck Logan," Janus whispered to Roman, who snorted.

"You aren't wrong," Roman whispered back. "But I bet Logan is only saying this stuff to try and impress Remus."

"Oh totally. The only person in the world who can stand his scientific rants is Remus, and I don't understand," Janus said with a laugh.

"Neither do I," Roman said. "But apparently love does crazy things to you. Or so they keep trying to say."

"Oh my god you two, could you be more immature?" Remus asked with an eye roll.

"Says the one who started the bathroom trend last year at our school," Roman shot back.

"Wait what was this?" Logan asked.

"Remus made it a trend to skip class and fuck in the bathrooms," Roman said. "There would almost always be at least one couple in there after that. The teachers were so angry with him, but they couldn't prove he started it."

"Dang," Janus said. "And I thought the bathrooms would never be popular."

"Oh my god you guys," Remus said, shaking his head fondly. "What the fuck did I do to deserve this?"

"Simple," Roman said.

"You tried to say we're the immature ones," Janus stated. Roman and Janus glanced at each other and burst into laughter.

835 words.

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