25. Reveal

330 14 52

I'm not sorry in the slightest for what I'm possibly going to do.

Because I feel like it, here, have a double update

TW: swearing, talk of kidnapping, much talk of death/murder, someone being psycho, threats, knives,


Roman didn't know how long they sat in the dark room. There was no way to be able to tell. At some point he dozed off, which really isn't a smart thing to do when you were kidnapped, but you can't prevent everything.

"Roman! Roman wake up!" Janus whispered frantically.

"What?" Roman asked groggily. "Let me sleep."

"Someone is coming!" Roman shot awake, looking at Janus with a shocked expression.

Now that Roman was awake, he could hear the footsteps that were coming closer to the room. There was a sliding sound from behind them, and light flooded into the room. The footsteps came into the room, and lights came on in the room itself. Then there was another sliding sound, and the door was closed again. Roman and Janus sat frozen in their chairs as the person finally walked in front of them, smirking at them.

"Virgil?!" Roman exclaimed. "What's going on? Were you taken, too?"

"No, Roman," Virgil said. He sat down on another chair in front of them. "Isn't it obvious why I'm here? I'm the one who took you."

"Wait, what?" Janus asked. "There's no way. You're quiet and nice. You couldn't have done that."

"You sure about that?" Virgil raised an eyebrow at them, pulling out a knife. It was covered in dried blood. "Now do you believe me?"

"But- how?" Roman was more than confused at this point. It didn't make any sense. "Wasn't Patton the one who killed the others? They found the evidence at his house. There was even a confession in his note!"

"I can't believe everyone actually fell for that," Virgil said, laughing quietly. "It was the best scheme of my life. He was oh so suspicious. Even the note was my fault. I made him write it. It never once said in the note that he killed anyone. And then I made him jump."

"But he was your best friend," Janus said. "Why would you ever do that? And why did you kill the others?"

"It's all means to an end," Virgil said with a shrug. "I don't care that I killed him. Actually, I'm much happier that I did. He crossed a line."

"I'm still confused why you killed everyone else," Roman muttered. "This is all so confusing."

"Then let me explain," Virgil said. "Have you ever fallen in love?" Both Janus and Roman nodded, sharing a small glance. "Then you must no how t feels to finally find someone, someone who you think is wonderful and perfect, and just wanting to be with them. But no one ever wants me back. They all called be obsessed and psychotic. I'm not psychotic. I don't think it's wrong to want someone to be yours and yours alone."

"But they all didn't want that. No. None of them wanted me. So I got a little angry...." Virgil smirked at them, his eyes sparkling dangerously. "All of my loves have died, because they all made the mistake of not wanting me. Even after killing anyone who got in my way, none of them ever wanted me. So they all ended up dead and gone."

"Why did you kill Patton, then?" Janus asked.

"He wanted what's mine," Virgil said. "I used him to create a suspect other than myself, making everyone think it was him who killed those people. He had no idea that I was manipulating him. I hated doing it, though. I wanted to just kill him, but Info bitch said I needed to play it smart."

"Wait- Logan was helping you?"

"Yes, though I'm surprised he told you about being called Info Chan," Virgil said. "The idiot confuses me. It should be Info Kun, but something about secrecy or what not. Anyway, that doesn't matter. I was supposed to tolerate Patton fawning over what's mine until I could make it seem like he'd killed everyone. I took so much joy in pushing him off of that bridge. Almost as much as I took when I cut Viona apart."

"Okay, so I get all of that," Roman said. "But where do we fit into this? Why were we taken?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Virgil laughed quietly. "You're what's mine."

738 words.

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