I love you (rewrite)(Rini week #3 1)

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Happy 1st birthday to this book. I can't believe it's been a year since I decided that after reading almost every rini one shot that had been written at the time, that I should start my own book. I thought this book would be a fun thing for me to do for a month or two, but I never could have imagined writing this book for a whole year.

To celebrate it being a year since I started this book I decided to rewrite the first rini one shot I ever wrote.

"I do Ricky...I love you" Nini said with a sparkle in her eye and the feeling of weight being lifted off her shoulders. She finally said the one statement she had been ready to say for months. Ricky looked at her tears forming in his eyes but for a very different reason. "Oh" Ricky said, shaken up by what Nini had just said.

All Ricky could think about was his parents, and about how in love they used to be and how much they used to say that three word phrase, but don't anymore. All they do is scream at each other until they're both at their breaking point, in which they run away for a while until they come back together and repeat the cycle all over again.

"Oh?" she questions. "Yeah it's just...That's a really big thing to post online. Look...um...I've been thinking and...um...your gonna be out of town for like a month right?" Ricky asked, and Nini's happiness and excitement started to turn into confusion, not knowing why he was asking that question or what he was going to say next. "And you'll probably have no reception in the woods so maybe we should...chill for a minute...uh...you know like take a temporary pause?" Ricky said as more tears started to form in his eyes "Why did I say that, why didn't I just tell the truth. I know I love her why can't I just tell her that..ugh I'm so stupid" Ricky thought to himself.

"Um... a pause...yeah...uh... I totally get that" Nini said, shifting her gaze to her hands instead of looking at him. "I don't get that, I don't get that one bit. I told this boy I love him and he says he wants to take a "pause," was this too much, did he not feel the same way. Does the boy I've been in love with you years really not love me back. I don't want to break up but when one person wants to break up you break up, you can't force them to stay with you, you can't force them to love you...' Nini thought to herself as her vision started to blur because of the tears that were forming faster and starting to roll down her face.

"I should go," Ricky said, picking up his shoes and walking out the door, closing it behind him.

Nini grabbed a pillow and started to cry into it. Once Ricky closed the door he rested his back against it, not knowing what to do next. Should he leave. Should he fight for her. He didn't know what the best option would be. As he was standing outside her door he could hear muffled sobs coming from inside Nini's room. Hearing her cry broke Ricky's heart even more than it already was. He did love her, he was just too scared to say it. Scared that they would turn into his parents.

He couldn't stand next to the door and listen to Nini cry knowing he caused those tears, so he moved to sit on the top stair of the staircase that was in front of her room.

Carol, one of Nini's moms, saw him sitting on the top stairs crying. "What's wrong honey," she asked, sitting next to him and rubbing small circles in his back to try to calm him down.

"I just made the biggest mistake ever," Ricky said, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Nini told me she loved me, and I couldn't say it back." he said letting out a sob "Then I told her I want to take a pause, I don't want to make a pause, the last thing I want to do is go a whole summer without talking to her. I can't even go a day without talking to her without going crazy"

"Do you love her?" Carol asked.

He paused for a moment before he said, "Obviously." he said, looking at Carol. "I've been in love with her since the 7th grade. She has this extremely contagious smile, which makes it almost impossible to be anything but happy around her. And she has these beautiful eyes that make me want to stare into them for the rest of my life. And she is an amazing singer and songwriter, and she is so driven, and she can do anything she puts her mind to. She is the only person that has been there for me through everything. And even if she doesn't know how to help me through my problems, she still sits there and listens to me vent, and gives me hugs exactly when I need them, and she knows that all she needs to do to calm me down is run her fingers through my curls. She's literally the perfect human being so, of course I love her."

Ricky says not really knowing why he's telling her all this.

"Then why are you out here crying and not telling her everything you just told me. Now I don't know everything about your relationship with Nini, but I have a feeling it might have something to do with your parents" Carol said, and Ricky nods.

"Don't use your parents as an example for what all relationships are like, okay? Look at me. Dana and I have been together for almost 20 years and we are still going strong. Look, some relationships don't work out and some do, but you won't know about you and Nini unless you tell her how you feel. So if you want to be with Nini you have to go in there and talk to her, okay?" she said. Ricky hugged Carol and said, "Thank you I needed that."

Ricky quickly stood up and walked to Nini's room and knocked on the door. "Go away mom, I don't want to talk about it," Nini screamed. Ricky opened the door and walked it. "I'm not your mom...sorry to disappoint you" "Go away" she said into her pillow.

"I don't want to take a pause," Ricky said quickly. That made Nini look in his direction. She noticed his tear stained face, and her heart broke even more in that moment.

"I love you Nini and I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier, I should have said it when you gave me the chance to say it the first time, but I was scared. I've known I loved you since 7th grade, but with my parents fighting and them not being in love anymore. I was scared to admit to you that I was feeling that way. Which sounds stupid, I know, but it was all I could think to do in the moment. But after thinking, and realizing how dumb I am, I realized that I don't want to take a pause and I love you so much and that I'm not scared to admit that anymore" Ricky was going to say more but when he looked into Nini's eyes all he could think about was how much he hurt her. He was about to leave when he suddenly felt Nini's lips on his. It only took him a second to start kissing back.

When they pulled away Ricky whispered "I love you Nina Salazar-Roberts." "I love you too Richard Bowen'' she said and Ricky quickly pulled her into another kiss. They only stopped when they heard a knock on the door, it was Carol. "How are things going in here?" "Okay," Nini said, smiling. "Better than okay" Ricky clarified. "Then I guess I'll leave you two love birds alone. Have fun, but not too much fun." Carol said. She laughed and closed the door but left it cracked slightly and Nini's cheeks turned a dark shade of red.

"Sorry about my mom," Nini said, still very embarrassed. "You should be thanking her right now, without her I would probably still be outside your door contemplating everything I have ever done in my entire life. She came and talked to me and helped convince me not to give up on us and that I didn't ruin everything between us just because I made a mistake and asked for a pause. Without her I wouldn't have been able to tell you how much I love you Nini''

Nini just smiles not knowing what to say. So she pulled him into a kiss. It wasn't like their kiss before. That one deep and passionate, this one was soft and sweet but it was filled with all the emotions both of them had been feeling for the past 11 years. It was perfect, because they are perfect together.


Like I said it's this book first birthday, and it's birthday present for you I'm doing another rini week. Hopefully no natural disasters happen this time, so I can actually post them all in one week.

I hope you're as excited as I am, so I'll see you tomorrow with the next one shot.

Also can I just say listening to drivers licence with an almost broken heart hits different.

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