The Dates

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"Do you ever just wish you had a girlfriend" Nini asked her best friend, EJ  "I mean sometimes, why?" he responded

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"Do you ever just wish you had a girlfriend" Nini asked her best friend, EJ  "I mean sometimes, why?" he responded. "I want a boyfriend," she whined. "And how am I meant to fix that" he joked.

"How about we set each other up. You just said that you sometimes want a girlfriend, so it would help you too" Nini pleaded. "Please"

"Fine I'll find you a date, but I can't promise you a boyfriend" he said, a smile emerging onto Nini's face. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you," she said, hugging him.

"I got you a date with Gina," Nini announced in a sing-song voice, as she walked into EJ's apartment

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"I got you a date with Gina," Nini announced in a sing-song voice, as she walked into EJ's apartment.  

"Wait- what- how," EJ said, getting flustered at the idea of going on a date with Gina. "I can see the way you look at her. You just didn't have the balls to ask her out so I did it for you" she said. "Now who did you set me up with"

"Oh um, I think I should keep it a secret" EJ said. Translation: I completely forgot to set you up with someone, even though the dates are tomorrow.

"Come on I got you a date with your dream girl, and you can't even tell me my date's name" Nini pleaded.

"Fine" he said pausing trying to think of something to say. "His name is... Richard"

"Richard, what is he 50." Nini joked. "No" he said, "But i need coffee so I'm gonna go." 

EJ walked into the coffee shop under his apartment. 'What do I do, What do I do'  EJ thought. "Um.. Richard" he said loudly to see if he could be lucky enough to just find one there. A few people looked up but one specifically caught his eye.

It was a young guy that looked around Nini's age. He had brown eyes, and dark, brown, curly hair.

"Hi Richard," EJ said, sliding into the seat next to him. "Do I know you" he asked. EJ didn't answer she just shook his head no. "Are you free tomorrow." "I'm sorry but I'm not-" Ricky started before EJ cut him off. "No, no, no, not like that." EJ said a light pink color coming out on his cheeks. "Me and friend are setting each other up on dates, and if your free, I was wondering in you wanted to go on a date with her"

"What is she like" Ricky asked, "Well she's really sweet and is really funny and she puts everyone before herself. And please say you'll go on this date. She set me up with this girl I like, and I completely forgot to get her a date, and then I told her I got her a date with someone named Richard and all the other Richards are in their 40-50, and now I'm rambling. Sorry I'm just really desperate"

"I'll go," he said. "Thank you, you are a lifesaver" EJ said before giving him the information for the date, and leaving the coffee shop.

For the date they went to a nice restaurant on the other side of town.

"So how do you know EJ" Nini asked Ricky about halfway through their date. "Oh um. Were friends from high school." Ricky lied. "Oh I don't remember ever seeing you at school" Nini said confused.

Ricky's eyes went wide.

"You didn't go to highschool with EJ did you" Nini said. Ricky looked down toward his feet, "No EJ forgot to get you a date, and found me at a coffee shop"

"Look Richard, you seem like a good guy, but I have to go yell at EJ," Nini said with a smile on her face, before walking out.

"EJ fucking Caswell" Nini screamed as she walked into EJ's apartment. "You got me a stranger for a date"

"That..." EJ said. "Look I'm sorry okay. You got me a date with my dream girl. I had to find you someone. So I went to my coffee shop and found someone named Richard and he seemed like you would get along well. I'm really sorry, please forgive me"

"I need some time to think," Nini said, leaving the apartment. She went to her favorite place, the ice cream parlor.

When she was in line to order her ice cream she heard someone calling her name. "Nini" It was Richard.

"Richard" Nini questioned. "Hey I saw you through the window and I think I should talk to you about that date, if you want to call it that" he said. "Let me order then we can talk" she replied, turning toward the register.

"So what do you want to talk about" Nini said. "Look I know that the date probably wasn't what you expected, but I really enjoyed the time that we spent together" he tried to explain. "And how do I know you're not lying, you did lie on that date."

"I only lied about knowing EJ, I promise. I do play like singing and songwriting, and I do actually have a stuffed animal named Franklin that I refer to as my son." Ricky said. "No other lies" she questioned. Ricky shook his head no.

"Oh wait there is one more. I don't go by Richard, I usually go by Ricky, Richard is a grandpa name" Ricky laughed, and Nini laughed with him. "Good, I hated calling you Richard" they laughed.

"I have an idea. How about we start over." Ricky suggested. "No more lies, just us starting new, new first date, a new first impression, new everything."

"That sounds good," Nini said, smiling looking at their interlocked hands. "A fresh start"


I meant to finish this yesterday but I spent the whole day reading other Rini stories.

959 words

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