Not Too Soon

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"Ricky you need to get to the hospital right now" Dana, Nini's mom tells Ricky when he answers her call. "It's Nini. I'm stuck in traffic, and I have to go pick up Carol. She need one of us there with her can you go?"

"I'll be there as soon as I can" Ricky said hanging up, grabbing his keys, and running out the door.

When he gets to the hospital no one else is there for her. "Hi I'm here for Nina Salazar-Roberts" he tells the nurse at the front desk.

"Name" she asked. "Richard Bowen"

"You're not on the list. What's your relation to Nina"

"I'm her boyfriend. We've been together for 12 years you have to let me see her"

"Sorry only family are aloud visitation right now"

"But we've been together for 12 years we're basically family"

"Like I said, I'm sorry but only family are aloud visitation right now. You can wait in the waiting room for a family member to come and let you see her" the nurse said pointing to the waiting room.

Ricky hung is head in defeat and walked to the waiting room, sitting down, and putting putting his head in his hands think about what happened that morning.

They'd been having the same fight for years now.

Nini really wants to get married but Ricky isn't so sure.

"When are we going to stop having this argument" Ricky asks, raising his voice.

"Maybe when you finally give me a better answer" she yells. "Every time we have this argument you say you want to get married someday. When is someday Ricky, because you'd think that after a 12 year relationship that'd be something you've had time to think about."

"I'm just not sure that right now is the right time"

"Oh my god. I can not keeping having this same fight over, and over, and over again" she said, grabbing her purse and walking to the door, "I need sometime to think about whether not I just spent 12 years in a dead end relationship" and she stormed out.

"Ricky honey" Carol said putting a hand on his back breaking him out of his flashback. "What are you doing out here?"

"They won't let me see her because we're not family" he said, more tear joining the ones that had already stained his face and Carol pulled him into her arms

"I'll stay with him, you go check on Nini" Carol said to her wife still hugging the boy.

They didn't say much to each other until Dana came back from seeing Nini with one of the nurses.

"She's gonna be okay. Someone ran a red light while she was in the intersection and hit the passenger's side. The force of the hit caused her to hit her head on the steering giving her a concussion and some whiplash. She was unconscious when we arrived at the seen, but we think she'll wake up sometime tomorrow. But we ask that only the family visits until she wakes up. Thank you and I'll come talk to you if anything changes" the nurse said before walking away.

"If only we were married" Ricky whispered to himself but Nini's moms heard him.

"Ricky..." Dana said, "don't blame yourself"

"But it is my fault. She's the one that keeps bringing up getting married and I alway push it to the side and if we were married right now I would be family and I'd be able to be with her right now. But instead I'm sitting in a waiting room while my girlfriend of 12 years lays in a hospital bed unconscious. We've been together for 12 years but no one cares because we haven't signed a piece of paper saying we're a couple."

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