The Project

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Nini and Ricky meet for the first time on the first day of freshman year. She was the new kid in a fairly tight nit school, but Ricky was always nice to her and would show her around. He was alway there to help when she needed help opening her locker, or when she needed someone to practice lines with for the musical.

And Nini had really started to fall for Ricky.
But right before the beginning of sophomore year Ricky got the news that his parents were separating. He was devastated. And on top of all of that his mom also wanted him to move to Chicago with her.

(After winter break sophomore year)

Nini was standing outside East high talking to Kourney, Big Red, Ashlyn, Carlos, and Seb when she saw him. Ricky Bowen. What was Ricky Bowen doing at East High he moved to Chicago. He started walking toward them, but before he could get close enough to them the bell rang and everyone quickly headed to class.

Nini's first class was photography. She enjoyed photography but it definitely wasn't her favorite class. She sat in the back, alone. Nini was sitting in her desk starting at her songwriting notebook when she heard a voice that she recognized all to well. "Um sorry I'm late I got lost" Ricky said. "I'll give you a pass because it is your first day, but don't be late again." Mr. Silver said sternly. "You can sit in the open seat next to Nini" he said gesturing to the back of the room were Nini was. "Oh crap" she muttered to herself.
"Alright so for your first project back you will have to take 5 photos in 5 different location that has meant if you you. You will have to explain what about the photo has meaning and why it was taking the way it was. More in-depth details can be found in the project packet . This will also be done with your preassigned partners. And Nini since you don't have a partner you can work with Ricky" Mr. Silver said in a tone that can only be described as 'I hate my life'.

Nini and Ricky kept sneaking glances at each other during class. Nini didn't really know how she felt about him. She thought she was over him, but that was because he moved away, but now he's here.

*DING* "I'll text you some time" Ricky said before grabbing his stuff and leaving for his next class. They didn't talk for the rest of the day.

"So do you still have feelings for him" Gina asked her when they were at her house after school that day. "What are you talking about" Nini said in her British accent. "Girl, don't play dumb, you were in love with that boy" Kourtney said taking a break from her homework. Nini blushed.

She was about to say something when she her a buzz of someone's phone. It was Ashlyn's " It's my mom she's wants me and Gina home" "Can you drop me off on you way?" Kourney asked. Ashlyn agreed and they all pact up their stuff. "See you Monday" she said as they left.

Nini's moms were still at work so she was home alone for a few more hours. But about 20 minutes after Ashlyn, Kourtney, and Gina left she heard a knock of the door. It was Ricky.

"Hey... I probably should have texted you first before showing up here, but I was wondering if you wanted to start that photography project." Ricky asked scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah. Sure, let me go grab my purse" Nini said with a small smile.

Nini quickly ran upstairs to her room. She put on a light layer of mascara, grabbed her purse, and checked her out fit in the mirror before heading back downstairs to meet Ricky.

"You ready?" he asked when she came down the stairs. 'wow, she's so pretty, I wish I never moved to Chicago with my mom. Then maybe I could have spent more time with her' Ricky thought. "Yep, let's go" she said smiling from ear to ear.

Ricky lead her to his car which was parked on the street next to her house. They sat there in his car in silence for 10 minutes while Ricky started driving to the first photo location. "So what are when going to go for our first photo?" she asked hoping to break the silence. "I was thinking of taking you to a place me and my parents would go during summer break." he said stair at the road. "Take me away" she laughed.

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